Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To Our Fallen Troops!

I'm not a big advocate of wars, which most people aren't. Especially now with the Iraq war going on. I've written in other posts about how senseless this war is. I didn't grow up in the war era so I can't really say much about past wars and the unpopularity of them. But I respect those who serve in them and have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
I believe the war in Iraq is my generations Vietnam, again I don't know much about the Vietnam war only what I've learned in history classes and from watching the History Channel. I agree Hussein needed to go but in a better strategic way.
When 9/11 hit we hit Afganistan hard to get back at bin laden (I won't capitalize his name I'm sure you'll understand why.) That was a just reason for going there, plus the taliban needed to be ousted also. But why didn't we remain focused on that war? Why would you start one war and go start another? It doesn't make any sense! Now the taliban is regrouping there and osama is still on the run. One reason, a son had to finish his fathers business. That's all I got to say about that!!!!!!!
I pray for our troops every night that they might come home alive to there families and that God will protect them. It's a hard prayer for me to say sometimes. Reasons being for all the misconduct that has occurred amongst our troops over there. But praying for my sin every day is also just as hard.
I'm thankful for our troops and how they have endured such hardship over the years. The living conditions, the constant bloodshed they have endured and most of all leaving home as one person and coming back as another. War has ruined a lot of our soldiers lives over the years, putting them in mental institutions, making them lose parts of their body and having to adapt to a new way of doing things, memories of mortar fire and seeing their comrades being killed before their very eyes have driven many to alcoholism and homelessness. We can sit there in our safe homes and read about the war, but we will never understand what our soldiers have really endured. I can say thanks for their service but do you and I really mean it or understand it.
The next time somebody protests against a war I think we should really listen to them, communication should be tried till exhausted and then retried all over. I will never understand war some wars were just and others weren't, but wars will continue as long as satan remains in our world. Continue to pray for our troops and their families. I pray that it will all be over soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007


If you want to make a YANKEE feel real welcomed in the SOUTH don't take them to a CRAWFISH BOIL! What a weird experience! Our Bible class held a crawfish boil a couple of Saturdays ago. The first picture is the actual crawfish (ALIVE) crawling on top of each other. Wondering how they are going to get out of this huge blue rubbermaid tub. The second picture is the kids tormenting the poor varmints to death by picking them up by their whiskers. If this didn't have PETA in an uproar I don't what couldn't.
Being the YANKEE I will always be, I didn't know what to expect. The crawfish are still alive and before they boil them, they poor salt water on them to put them in shock so they shoot all the POOP out of them. (That was exciting) They became very active then really trying to get out. Then they put them in the the huge vat and give them a good steam for about 15 minutes. I thought there were going to be some other dishes to choose from, little did i know that all the other dishes were in the same vat boiling with our little crawfish. They cooked the corn on the cob, sausage, whole red potatoes and mushrooms in one big pot. Along with HOT CAJUN SPICES!
So time went on nobody said it was time to eat and I was getting pretty hungry and wondering when the dinner bell was going to ring. It never rang! So I went up to the table and saw people eating. This was the odd part, they had spread the searcy daily citizen newspaper over top of the picnic tables and dumped all the food on the tables. I was like OK! Now where are the plates? No plates we ate like a bunch of homeless people in front of the pile of dead crawfish and other very spicy food. CRAZY! But they were good and HOT! You must experience a Crawfish Boil. It will definitely change your mind about the SOUTH! I already knew they were Idiots I just didn't know they would actually show it. Thank the Lord above I was born in the NORTH. Forever A Yankee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The picture of the kids tormenting the Crawfish didn't not appear for some reason I'll put it separate later.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Nativity Story :)

I don't know if anybody has seen "The Nativity Story" yet, but it was very well done. Just like the "Passion of Christ" we as Christians need to see a vision of what it might have been like in the days of the birth of Christ and the crucifixion of Christ. Again, this was a movie that humbled me at a time when I needed to be humbled just like the passion of Christ movie did.

We all have our own version of both of these events in our own heads all different though, yet all share the same story. I often wonder during communion what we are all envisioning in our head. What do we see when the bread and the fruit of the vine is passed? Are we envisioning the crucifixion, the beating and torture of Christ or are we wondering about our weekly events? I try so hard to envision the crucifixion but alot of times other things seep into my head or one of the kids are getting wiggly in the pew and keeps me from these precious thoughts. But movies like these allow us to see the goodness of God's great gift of Jesus Christ. Buy them or rent them they will do you some good. If there is ever a time in your life when you are down and need a spiritual lift take time when it is quiet and watch both of these movies. It will be good for your soul and attitude. May God bless us all!

Monday, May 21, 2007

HIGH GAS PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm tired of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $3.15 a gallon is what I paid today for gas! It's greed at its best. The oil industry knows they can make more money this way by decreasing production and letting the gas prices continue to rise. Come on Bush do your job, get these prices down soon! CHOP-CHOP! GREEDY GAS PEOPLE! I hope everybody feels the same way I do. They say the economy is growing and the unemployment rate is going down. WRONG!!!!! I been to several places of business with selling insurance and every small business tells me they can't afford to give their employees health care, but yet we can spend billions of dollars on a pointless war in Iraq! The world is crazy!
But with all this said I am glad to know Heaven doesn't have high gas prices, no need for health care, no unemployment and no pointless wars! Keep your eyes on Heaven and your focus on the Lord Jesus Christ everyday.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Picture On A Restaurant's Website!

Is there a restuarant that you really enjoy that you go to it all the time? Well we found one around Christmas time . The name of it is KJ's family restaurant,t has the best homecooked food. I mean it is homecooked, Shannon says it's like my Mom is cooking back there. It's that good!!!!!!!!! It's cheap and we eat lunch there sometimes three to four times a week. They have come to know me, Shannon and Cayden very well, so well they got Cayden a KJ's shirt and they call him their little mascot. That is great and all, but then the owner asks if they could take a picture of us and put it on their new website. OK! Shannon and Cayden look great but my fat picture looks like I eat there 7 days a week. So after seeing the picture of me I have gone on a diet. They say a picture says a thousand words, mine says I weigh a thousand pounds!!!!!!!!! Anyhow if you get on www.kjsfamrestaurant.com click on full dinner menu you'll see this picture of this lovely family of mine and the water buffalo in the red shirt!
Our schedule has been very busy this spring with baseball for Brayden, me starting out to sell AFLAC insurance and Shannon going back to school, were just slightly busy. But it is fun! But we said this will be the easiest spring of our married life because Macy is wanting to play soccer in the fall and softball in the spring. Now that's going to be a challenge. But then I thought what is it going to be like when all 3 of them are playing soccer and baseball at the same time. Whoa!!!!
I hope everybody has great weekend and a good week following. May God bless us all!

Friday, May 11, 2007

My Loving Mother !

Where would we be without our Mothers? I know I couldn't survive without mine. My mother has been there for me, no matter what. Through tears, happiness and sickness she was always there for me. She worked hard to give me and Paula all that we have, and I'm not talking about material possessions but spiritual. I owe my faith to God and both my Mom and Dad. God laid the foundation and my parents nurtured and carried it out and through great faith I passed it on to my children.

There will never be anybody in my life who is such a fine example. I wish I had her energy and kind heart. She gives and continues to give and never lets up one bit. Those who know my mother should be blessed by her example because there will never be another like her. She has touched many peoples lives by just the way she is.

I remember so many things of my childhood and I think of my mother. I have the song from the Dean Reality commercial memorized because I heard it every night when my mom would rock me to sleep in the rocking chair. It went like this: "Get on the Deans list, William Deans the one. William realty gets it done. When you want satisfaction action pact know how, then get on the deans list now." That's Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody who lived in the late 70's in Wheeling knows that song. When I watch the Price is right I remember going to Charity Echols apartment in Warwood when mom would do her hair. She always have it on her TV.

I gave Brayden a baseball I had in a little plastic holder. He asked why it was so special and why it was in plastic casing. I told him his Grandma worked hard for that ball. It was my first homerun I hit in little league at Mt. Olivet field. It was a 3 run dinger that bounced across the road and into the woods and Grandma chased that ball and was told give it back and she said she wasn't giving it back. I can understand though it was a nice shot over the fence. But she loved me enough to chase it down and then strong enough to tell the umpire and the coaches she was keeping it.

I am thankful for my Mother and the love she has given me in the past and continues to give to this present day. My faith in God is because of her and I'm grateful for that everyday. Thank you Mom for your love and all that you've done for me. You are my example in my life and my strength in raising my children every day. We love you always, Clint , Shannon, Brayden, Macy and Cayden.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My How Fast They Change!

It's amazing how things change and you don't even realize that they do. Time is flying and everybody said it would. I was looking through my pictures tonight and found some baby pictures of Cayden and I almost forgot he was once this little. Now he's walking and trying to say words.
I know in 10 years I will probably be saying the same thing about all three of them and will be in more shock then as I am now.
The most important thing is with this time that flies by is how I use it. I need to spend as much time with them as possible.
Somebody asked my barber last fall if he was going to watch the razorback football game and he said he had better things to do. But it reminded him of a fellow that was in his shop a long time ago. That man was asked the same question and he said "I wouldn't waste my time on something like that, my life is short and any minute I get with my kids is the most important."
It's true. I usually watch football no matter who is playing , because I love football and any other sport that is on. Besides basketball and golf, I can't tolerate either one of those sports. I sometimes feel that time watching football could and should be spent with them. But I spend a lot of time with all three of my kids and I enjoy it. But many Dad's don't spend a lot of time with their kids and it so important to do so.
I usually pass by the children's home here in Searcy I think about those kids there that don't have a parent that loves them and it saddens me. I can't imagine my children being in that situation, so it's hard for me to pass by there and think of those kids there. I pray that we all pray for those orphans and that somebody will give them the love they deserve. And I pray we parents will notice the change in our children and use the time that flies by so quickly, wisely.