I'm not a big advocate of wars, which most people aren't. Especially now with the Iraq war going on. I've written in other posts about how senseless this war is. I didn't grow up in the war era so I can't really say much about past wars and the unpopularity of them. But I respect those who serve in them and have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
I believe the war in Iraq is my generations Vietnam, again I don't know much about the Vietnam war only what I've learned in history classes and from watching the History Channel. I agree Hussein needed to go but in a better strategic way.
When 9/11 hit we hit Afganistan hard to get back at bin laden (I won't capitalize his name I'm sure you'll understand why.) That was a just reason for going there, plus the taliban needed to be ousted also. But why didn't we remain focused on that war? Why would you start one war and go start another? It doesn't make any sense! Now the taliban is regrouping there and osama is still on the run. One reason, a son had to finish his fathers business. That's all I got to say about that!!!!!!!
I pray for our troops every night that they might come home alive to there families and that God will protect them. It's a hard prayer for me to say sometimes. Reasons being for all the misconduct that has occurred amongst our troops over there. But praying for my sin every day is also just as hard.
I'm thankful for our troops and how they have endured such hardship over the years. The living conditions, the constant bloodshed they have endured and most of all leaving home as one person and coming back as another. War has ruined a lot of our soldiers lives over the years, putting them in mental institutions, making them lose parts of their body and having to adapt to a new way of doing things, memories of mortar fire and seeing their comrades being killed before their very eyes have driven many to alcoholism and homelessness. We can sit there in our safe homes and read about the war, but we will never understand what our soldiers have really endured. I can say thanks for their service but do you and I really mean it or understand it.
The next time somebody protests against a war I think we should really listen to them, communication should be tried till exhausted and then retried all over. I will never understand war some wars were just and others weren't, but wars will continue as long as satan remains in our world. Continue to pray for our troops and their families. I pray that it will all be over soon.
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