It's amazing how things change and you don't even realize that they do. Time is flying and everybody said it would. I was looking through my pictures tonight and found some baby pictures of Cayden and I almost forgot he was once this little. Now he's walking and trying to say words.
I know in 10 years I will probably be saying the same thing about all three of them and will be in more shock then as I am now.
The most important thing is with this time that flies by is how I use it. I need to spend as much time with them as possible.
Somebody asked my barber last fall if he was going to watch the razorback football game and he said he had better things to do. But it reminded him of a fellow that was in his shop a long time ago. That man was asked the same question and he said "I wouldn't waste my time on something like that, my life is short and any minute I get with my kids is the most important."
It's true. I usually watch football no matter who is playing , because I love football and any other sport that is on. Besides basketball and golf, I can't tolerate either one of those sports. I sometimes feel that time watching football could and should be spent with them. But I spend a lot of time with all three of my kids and I enjoy it. But many Dad's don't spend a lot of time with their kids and it so important to do so.
I usually pass by the children's home here in Searcy I think about those kids there that don't have a parent that loves them and it saddens me. I can't imagine my children being in that situation, so it's hard for me to pass by there and think of those kids there. I pray that we all pray for those orphans and that somebody will give them the love they deserve. And I pray we parents will notice the change in our children and use the time that flies by so quickly, wisely.
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