I don't know if anybody has seen "The Nativity Story" yet, but it was very well done. Just like the "Passion of Christ" we as Christians need to see a vision of what it might have been like in the days of the birth of Christ and the crucifixion of Christ. Again, this was a movie that humbled me at a time when I needed to be humbled just like the passion of Christ movie did.
We all have our own version of both of these events in our own heads all different though, yet all share the same story. I often wonder during communion what we are all envisioning in our head. What do we see when the bread and the fruit of the vine is passed? Are we envisioning the crucifixion, the beating and torture of Christ or are we wondering about our weekly events? I try so hard to envision the crucifixion but alot of times other things seep into my head or one of the kids are getting wiggly in the pew and keeps me from these precious thoughts. But movies like these allow us to see the goodness of God's great gift of Jesus Christ. Buy them or rent them they will do you some good. If there is ever a time in your life when you are down and need a spiritual lift take time when it is quiet and watch both of these movies. It will be good for your soul and attitude. May God bless us all!
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