This word came up in our study today in Bible class, "Entitlement." What do you think you deserve? Do we deserve material things? Do we deserve money, a pay raise? What do you think you are entitled to?
Kind of a easy question for the arrogant, and a easy question also for the Humble. We all think we are deserving of something, some of us suffer from an ego that can't let go of self. All the time an egotistical person constantly thinks whats in it for me. When do I get my share?
We live in an Arrogant world and we all suffer with it. Some more than others, but the answer for a Christian with a foundation laid firm on the Rock of Christ should know he or she deserves nothing. We don't! We've done nothing to deserve one breath of life.
We see so many people on TV grumbling and complaining about who they should be and that they don't get any respect. I heard one person the other night say they shot somebody because they weren't respecting him. Okay! Maybe that person should've let it go and now he's going to prison where nobody will respect him.
A world full of the phrase Me, Me, Me. We're all guilty of it, aren't we? I worked with a girl not to long ago that can be a very kind person most of the time, but I could tell she had issues with her ego sometimes. She decided to have an operation to inflate her chest, (I'm sure you understand what I mean) and after the sugery it was all about her and her new balloons. She wanted everyone to notice what she did. She loved the new attention she was getting, she would go out with her boyfriend and when she dressed she looked like a Hooker. I told her that on many occasions, just to kind of deflate her ego. Things were popping out everywhere, and I asked her did she feel better about herself. She said "yes" because everybodies eyes were on her now. I said everybodies eyes were on you already, I told her she didn't have to do something like that to get attention. I told her God made you special, he gave you a good personality, He blessed you with beauty on the outside and the inside. You get all the attention you need by just what He gave you. What I said never sank into her at all, she still thinks she needs everybodies attention. So be it, I guess. She felt she was entitled to attention from everyone.
When I hear somebody driving around the Walmart parking lot with their stereos bumping and thumping it DRIVES ME UP THE WALL. I don't know why anybody would what that bumping sound in their car in the first place. But it drives me nuts, to the point where I feel I am Entitled to tell them to turn that junk down. They drive around thinking everybody thinks their the bad boy of the world. NO! Everybody thinks your a Moron!
Attention is their deal, they feel entitled to get attention from as many people as they can. I think they should ban those things, because I'm going to say something one day to somebody. And tell them how ignorant they really look. Entitlement, it feeds on all of us.
I felt like that the other day when Shannon told me that one of her friends got a job here in town making $20 dollars an hour. It killed me, I've been trying to look for a part time job until this new medicare stuff I'm selling kicks off. I've been all over this town trying to find a job to make ends meet. I've got alot of experience in a lot of things, but this girl has very little experience and got the job. It drove me nuts for atleast a week, and then I thought," good for her maybe she needed it more than I did." I was selfish, and I'm usually not like that, but I prayed about it and for her to enjoy her new job.
What are you entitled too? What have you done to deserve something in return? I know I deserve nothing at all. I know I'm a good father, so should I deserve good kids in return. Probably not, but God has blessed me with three sweet kids and I believe they will end up being great kids. Do I deserve my loving and kind wife, I guess not. But God felt I deserved it for some reason. Did I deserve an entire family tree that is faithful to God? No, I could've been raised in a drug infested, atheist and unloving family. But He gave me a rich and Godly family.
I feel their are many people out there that deserve alot more than they have.
I sometimes wonder why some have and some don't. Why are there children living in poverty? Why are there children and their families living with terminal illnesses? I don't quite get it.
I found the answer in the Bible, John 9:1-3 when the disciples asked Jesus why this man was born blind. And Jesus stated: "This man was born blind so that the power of God could be shown in him." They weren't deserving of this state that they have been born in, but God has entitled us to help them out, not to heal like He did. But to show love and offer up prayers for them and to help them all out as best we can. Makes sense some what. God made me and you deserving enough to do something for somebody else, so that His glory may be revealed. So maybe we're worthy and deserving of something.
Deserving enough to send His son to die for our sins. So the next time we think we should be entitled to something, think of what God did and His son Jesus did for all of us. He has made us worthy of His calling and has given us an Eternal place to rest. Amazing love, how can it be?
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