As we drove home from West Virginia me and Shannon discussed how much better 2008 would be for us. It was in our minds like everybody else's that it was a new year and things will get better. Then I thought no I don't think it will get better, I think things will be the same. I can be very negative some times. I always think things should go the way I think they should go, but they usually don't. They used too, but for some reason luck is not running in my veins no more.
As we were driving to Arkansas my mind just wondered most of the way back about what's my next move. What's the next big plan, I've learned this being in insurance you have to plan ahead. I don't like that, I'm not a think about the future kind of person. And that is where me and Shannon differ she thinks way into the future, too far into the future. I just wait till I wake up in the morning and say I guess I will go here and maybe I will call these people. At the end of the day not alot has been accomplished. When I was landscaping I already had it planned out, I knew the plants I was going to use, I already knew who the customer was and had payment already figured before the job was done. That's me, in landscaping I had it all right there in front of me no worries at all, not so with insurance. I don't have a clue who my customer is, I don't know what material the customer wants, and payment if they buy is a couple of months down the road. I miss the garden center/landscaping business!
So I get stressed, those who know me I don't get stressed very much. Thanks to my Papap Singer and my Dad, I inherited their don't worry about anything genes. Thanks to insurance it has brought out the Massey get stressed right now and lose your cool genes. My Papaw is excluded from these genes I never saw him ever get stressed about anything. But I am sure his children have some stories they could tell.
So as I'm driving home worrying about such things, I look to the left and saw the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. That is it in the picture above, is that not awesome? It calmed my nerves and I believed God put it there for me to see. Yes, I did take that with my phone while driving, I didn't run anybody off the road. My worries are not only my worries but they are also God's worries. He knows where we are at all times in our lives, and He'll take the burden from us if we let go of them. I believe at that moment I gave them to Him.
My worries are nothing compared to others though. Right now I know of a little girl who is in very bad condition with a huge fight for life right now. Her name is Summer Simmons, I don't know this girl at all. She is a friend of a couple in our Bible class. We get updates through e-mails about her. I've kind of have adopted her as a special prayer request in my daily prayers. Things will look good one day and very bad the next. So I ask that you would remember Summer in your prayers tonight and all the other children in the same condition also. Have a good Lord's day.
Matthew 11: 28 - 30 "Come to me all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and will find rest for your lives. The teaching that I ask you to except is easy; the load I give you is light." NCV
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