You may need to click on the picture to get a larger view to read it. But this is ridiculous, I can see Christians picketing a gay parade or an abortion clinic. Come on, a poor guys funeral, yeah he made the movie "Brokeback Mountain" and it was as ignorant as any other movie. But to show your example of God and picket a guys funeral and then make the statements on the sign like they did. I feel like I should be picketing the WBC. I don't think God hates Homosexuals, he dislikes their behavior. I don't think God would call them "Fags" either.
The WBC has has allowed their religious heads get to big, this sign sounds all to "Pharisee-ish" to me. When did the Westboro Baptist Church get the right to judge if Heath Ledger is in Hell.
I don't agree with the movie "Brokeback Mountain" I never saw it, and I hope Heath Ledger and everyone else in Hollywood has repented of any of their roles in movies. And I hope those who made this sign never watched the movie Brokeback Mountain either. If they did they need to add their name to this sign of Hypocrisy also. Judgement is what God is against and anything else that concerns sin.
I always remember the story where the Pharisee's catch the girl with another man and drag her into the streets and they all grab stones to launch at her. But Jesus steps in and says "He who has not sinned, cast the first stone." The rocks dropped, and the girl was forgiven. We are all sinners and judgement has no place for us, only God.
Now that doesn't look like a sign Christ would write and neither should the WBC.
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