Life is a journey, travel with purpose. How many of us believe that? How many of us live this way? Do we just get up like the man in the Dunkin Donut commercial. The commercial would show the donut maker in bed with the alarm going off and he'd say, "Time to make the donuts." He had no excitement at all to get up and make the donuts. I don't think I would either, because donut maker hours stink!
Do we look at a new day with great joy or do we wake up and look at another day of life as a burden? I don't. I used too, but I've realized that's just not the way to look at a new day that God has blessed me with. I'm not saying I bounce out of bed with a huge smile on my face. I'm tough to get out of that warm bed and be all chipper and full of glee. It takes me a little while to wake up, but once I'm up I see the day as a gift from God.
I look at each day as a chance for something good to happen and wait in anticipation to see what the day has in store for me. This took a long time for me to see this view of life. But with lots of time spent reading the Bible and other Christian authors I've come to see life as a journey. I wonder sometimes is something bad going to happen or is something great going to occur. Whatever it is, it's been planned by my Father in Heaven. He has something in store for all of us. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but it will happen.
Even though I see my life as a journey it also must have a purpose to live with the journey. We as Christians have that purpose, a reason to wake up and take on the day. My life could exist without Christ in my life but it would be a journey without meaning. I would be just wandering with no direction, just walking around living by the pointless grind of this planet. Boring!
God is with us. He is on our journey through this life, walking with us with an eternal prize grasped in hand. He is just waiting to hand us that eternal gold medal or crown. He's cheering us on as we run in the race of life. We must be thankful to our creator for giving us another day to take our position in the race.
AS I watched the Olympics and saw the athletes receive their medals, it reminded me of what the day of judgement might be like. The athletes in Beijing did train hard and did compete against the best in the world to get their medals. We as Christians have really done nothing to earn our eternal crown. The Olympic athletes ran, lifted weights and whatever else they had to do to compete. We have not done all the work the athletes did. But we have endured through faith and love. We've taken on all kinds of temptations and have fallen short a lot and have endured all kinds of evil. If we believe all the way through life that God is real and that He sent his Son to die for us and confess our sins, we have a good chance of standing on that eternal podium and get to see God hand us that crown of life. How great that will be!
As we live life take it as a journey and have a purpose to carry with you. The purpose is probably carring us through the journey. Let God carry us through it, He will be glad to do it.
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