I learned today that we serve a Big God. That He is the only one with the answers. Not me and not you. That He is huge, able to take on a vast amount of everything. There is no prayer he can't answer and there is no person in this world that is without him.
I learned this Big God theory through a movie called Facing the Giants. Shannon went to the movie store today and came home with this movie. It's very good and teaches alot of good things. I have watched it before and it just brought me to tears, good tears though. But the coach states that we serve A Big God, and that his team can do anything through the Almighty. In this movie one man was down on his luck as a football coach, he was at his final nerve and went out to a quiet place and read his Bible and got down on his knees and begged God to help him.
As his faith increased he became a stronger coach and led his team to believe winning wasn't important, but faith in God was. He as one man changed the perspective of the entire Christian based school. Students were changing their lives toward Christ and things were going in the right spiritual direction for him, his team and the school. I won't ruin the ending but it showed how one man through the power of a mighty God changed the lives of many.
One man? What can one man do to shape the faith of a country or the world? We are so small in this world, our voices are so tiny. How can a single man reach the entire world? Through a big God. Through prayers and a strong faith and our modern technology one man could say something that could put the world on track, maybe. But a huge God and a huge community could send out the right message. With so many Christians on this planet if we all banded together and said enough is enough we could change the entire world with one message. But we don't. Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.
We haven't found the ability or the strength in God yet to bind the world together in holy harmony yet. Our God is an awesome God who gives us a new day and gives us everything we need to sustain life. He can handle all things and prepare each of us for our homecoming party in heaven. How great it will be when we all get to heaven and he says well done good and faithful servants.
In one part of the movie he asks one player to do the death crawl to the 50 yard line. The death crawl is a player on all fours with another player on his back. He blindfolds the player crawling and tells him to go to the 50 yard line. Being blindfolded the player could not tell where the 50 yard line is. As he was crawling the coach is in his face pushing him on while the player was screaming he was tired. The coach continued to yell "You can do it, just to the 50, you can do it." Finally the player gives in and collapses to the ground, and says sorry he was to tired. As he takes off the blindfold he realizes he crawled all the way to the end zone. 100 yards he went and didn't even know it. I believe God is just like that coach. He is constantly pushing us and facing us toward the goal. He continues to move us and move in us to bring us to do more than we think we can. God is a "Big God" doing more for us than we think. He's sending the answers to us and opening new doors and closing the other doors. When we think things are not going our way, he's preparing something better for us, we just need to do some of the work to get there. Sometimes we think we can only make it to the 50, but God knows we can make it to the goaline. We don't need to give up and hold our heads down. We need to believe that something good is around the corner. Our God is vast and has complete control over everything. Through God all things are possible. Go on ahead give him all your troubles tonight and prepare for the great things ahead.
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