Have you ever wondered why people leave the church? There are many reasons for doing so. Some people leave because they are just not interested or saw no results for their attending. Others have left because they were offended by somebody in the church or they just didn't like the preacher always putting a guilt trip on them.
I've been thinking about the ones who just left because they just lost God. They just didn't see what those of us who are faithful to worship do see. They are quitters, they saw no positive reason for wasting a perfectly good morning of sleeping in to sit on a pew. They just left empty and never saw or felt God in their lives. Singing to our Lord and sharing our lives in fellowship just wasn't their cup of tea. I've seen many come and go, they were raised in the church most of their lives and just didn't receive the desperate need to feel the love of the Savior. I guess they had better things to on Sunday morning.
Those of us who remain attending church for the remainder of our lives have a spiritual vision of our future. We see the things of God. We feel the reason for being there, we need spiritual healing. We feel worship is a way to give God our praise, we want to see those who fill our lives with love and share our heavenly desire. To those who don't believe and leave the church think believing in an unseen God is like believing in Superman as a real person. They can't live by faith just by sight.
Many just can't see our purpose of belief in life. I saw something this morning going to work that just increased my faith. I was out about 6:30 a.m. and the sun caught my attention. As it was rising, it was this awesome huge orange disc. You could look at it and marvel at it. God put it there for me and all those driving this morning. It made me think beyond this world. It allowed me to think that there is something beyond this globe we live on. A perfectly round disc of splendor created by our Father in heaven. If anybody couldn't look at that and not believe in a creator is truly blinded by Satan. They have a heart of steel, a pounding rock in their chest.
I thank God every day that he chose me and many others to set our hearts on heavenly things, he softened our hearts and allowed us to strive for a heavenly dream to continuously chase. I work with many who are lost and have no direction in life, except work,eat,sleep and do it all over again the next day. They don't understand how much a faith in God is worth. They can't imagine running a race for eternal causes. Their imagination can't fathom a heavenly home that is unimaginable. They can't comprehend how saying a prayer can lift all the stress in a person's life. People who left the church and those who have never entered a church building just don't get why people would pack a building on Sunday morning. Their vision will always be the same if we don't reach out to them and truly tell them the reasons were there and why we never left. Our vision needs to see those who have left and bring them back soon.
My foundation has been shaken in the past just like everybody else's has. But Christ won't allow those who stay strong to lose that vision and reason for being in worship and in the fellowship of Christians who love and pray for all of us. If you can think of anybody who has left the church and hasn't come back for years call them or send a card and tell them they are loved and how much the church wants them to come back into the fold. I can think of a ton of people right now who left and have never been seen for a long time. It's time for me and you to get on the horn and round up the lost sheep.
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