I sat down the other night and decided to look at the christmas tree. Our tree is in the living room where we don't spend much time in. So the only time we see the tree is when we walk through the room to go to the kids rooms. We spend much of our time in what we call the keeping room that is off from our kitchen. So the Christmas tree is not adored like it should be.
I walked by it the other night and decided to just sit there and look at it. The house was quiet and there was nothing else to do, so I just sat there and admired it.
The Christmas tree has special memories for me. It reminds me of all the Christmas joy I had growing up. I can remember them all like it was yesterday. I can recall the many Christmases of me and Paula hanging over the staircase to get a glimpse of what santa had brought us. We waited and waited for everyone to get their faces on and bathroom breaks done with. Cameras had to get film in them. Aunt Monna had to get her flashes cubes ready(Thank goodness for the invention of built in flash) or she couldn't find them. Mom had to get the coffee brewin and wanted to know if anybody wanted anything to eat. It killed us to wait any longer, and then finally we got the green flag to get to the toys. That was the greatest time in my life to get to that tree and start rippin things open. I remember the joy of watching everybody being so excited when we opened up the presents. To me Christmas day is probably the best day of the year.
Then as I looked at the tree I thought about all the children who will not have presents or a tree to enjoy this year. Many don't have a family to watch their expressions of joy as they open up their presents. It's sad to think that there are children not only in our country but in other countries also that our deprived of such great joy. We gave some this year to the angel tree and to a project the Church did this year and a little to the Salvation Army. But I didn't do enough! I'm going to change that this coming year. Somehow there is a way to get these kids the presents they deserve on Christmas morning. I thought about how can we give more the next Christmas to these deprived kids. I think if I buy a toy each week when I make my weekly Wal-mart trip, I will be prepared. Just think if we all did that how much better we would feel at this time next year. I challenge us all to do it. And then this time next year check in with me on my Blog and see how I've done and let me know how you are doing. I'm going to keep a total each week (that's 52 weeks) to let you know if I am keeping up with my goal. 52 toys we'll have this time next year for the children who need them.
Pass this along to others in your Church and see what we can get for the entire year. WOW ! Let's make next year a great year for all who need to feel the love of others. If you forget about others take time to look at your Christmas tree and God will put a reminder in your head of how blessed we are and consider those who aren't. Merry Christmas!!!!!
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