If I did the math right. My Papaw would be a 104 today if he was still alive.
John edward Massey December 9, 1902.
He would be proud to see his legacy grow. I can remember his laughter ringing through the house as he read the sunday comics while smoking his pipe with his loyal pal Astro by his side. I remember the backseat of every car he had, filled with crumpled up Hardees bags from his daily lunch. I remember him sitting in his blue chair watching HEE HAW and then hitting the side of the TV set with his cane as it blinked in and out.
I can still see his front porch lit up with the metal christmas trees he had cut out, they never missed a year to shine. He was proud of his work and so was his neighbors everytime they drove by. Christmas was always my favorite time when he would come to my parents house on christmas eve and when me and my sister would go to bed, he tell us Merry Christmas and kiss us good night. Christmas has never been the same since.
He was a hard working man with a disability that never held him down. He had a great big heart that loved everybody he knew. I wonder what he would think of his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren. I know he would be proud. I wish my children had known him they would have loved him. I try as much as I can to tell them about him, but they'll never truly know what they missed out on.
I know everybody misses him. He was truly one of a kind. I know heaven got a gem when he walked into God's hands. He's is my example and will always be. We love you Papaw and Happy Birthday.
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