If you are wondering why I have a picture of a green Ford Explorer uploaded. Because that person really got under my skin the other day!
This is a picture of a line cutter at a Christian School. I won't name the school. As I was waiting to pick up my child the other day from a certain school this little event took place. The line was long like it usually is everyday before three. I was back toward the middle of the line, and there was a somewhat long line behind me. It wasn't more than about 7 cars in length. This person decided they were not going to wait in the line and be ignorant and cut in front of me. I could handle the cutting it was the ignorance of that person for doing such a thing. It wasn't going to set me back a lot of time or anything, I didn't have to hurry up and get my kid real fast or anything. I didn't get out of the car and knock on their window and tell them what I thought of their decision. But it rode my impatience with the ignorance of people.
I get so tired of people in this world with their ignorance. I get so upset when I hear about another person getting busted for making crystal meth. It just irritates me to no end. I get upset when somebody kills another person for just plain stupidity, like drug money, or the excuse "he wasn't given me the respect that I deserved so I shot him". Another thing that rowls me up is when somebodies child is kidnapped, raped and murdered, and the murderer says it was the drugs and the pornography that made him do it. Yet we still allow people to make these movies, because if we stopped them it would violate their freedom of speech and freedom to express themselves. And the last thing that gets me fired up, are these criminals that are released for good behavior or the jail was to crowded. So they let them out and they go murder some innocent person or child. Ignorance! We're all victim of it.
I know there has been times I have been ignorant in some situation. But it's ignorance of certain situations that could be avoided if those who do them would just think of the consequences.
Around thanksgiving an innocent boy was shot by another teenager in Judsonia. He was visiting his grandparents and outside playing a game of basketball when a car drove by and shot him dead. The teen who shot the gun was just playing around he said. There was no clip in the gun, but there just happen to be a bullet in the chamber. The bullet pierced the heart of the innocent victim and dropped him to the ground dead. Ignorance!!!!!!!!!!! If the person who owned the gun would've have just put the gun away where it was supposed to go, that boy would've finished his basketball game and the other boy would be at home, not sitting in a jail cell.
There is so much I could write about the word Ignorance, I don't think there is enough space on Blogger to type it all in. This world needs to rethink its position on so many issues before it self- implodes. This is the Christians calling; to change the thinking of this world. We have to reboot the thought process of the entire population of this planet. But sometimes we feel out numbered and we think nobody will listen to us. It's a hard job to do, but if we don't do it we may end up in the fires of hell because of our IGNORANCE to not do anything.
I not still mad about the decision of that person cutting in front of me. It just set me off on a tangent about the unthoughtful ignorance people do. How are we going to change the world and its harmful ways of thinking? We start by praying and then we do it one person at a time, with love and kindness. Ignorance has always been a major problem here on earth. Even Christ on the cross said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing."
I believe that the Crucifixion was the biggest plan for the ignorance of man. When you think about it, it was the pride of the Jewish leaders that had to get rid of the loving Jesus. For if he stayed any longer they might not be as powerful to the people as they thought they were.
The pride of man = the ignorance of man = the fires of hell. Let's not be unthoughtful. Let's be humble and set out to finish the race we've already begun. The first will be last and the last will be first.
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