I don't usually watch old movies, but this one really hits home home to me. It's the only movie that makes cry at the end. Every year I have seen this picture it brings out the trueness of friendship. A lot of times we walk around with the chip on our shoulder that makes us think nobody cares.
There are times we feel we don't have friends around. They are never there when we think we need them. Times when we feel our lowest we think they don't care, but they do. They will come out of the woodwork when the time is right. That is what this story teaches me. George Bailey is about to give it up on life. He's to the point of jumping off the bridge and end it all. When all of a sudden an angel comes to his rescue. The angel shows him life without George Bailey. George becomes impatient with the angel and doesn't understand what's going on. Nobody know him at all,not even his own wife. At that point he asks the angel to let him live,and everything is back to normal.
If George would have been patient and waited he would've seen friendship work at its best. At the end all his friends who deeply love him come to his aid with enough money to pay off his debt and plenty left over to spare.
Our friends are there, we just have to wait for their true loyalty and friendship to come through. The movie hits me because a lot of times I am George. I sometimes feel I have no true friends, and then "BOOM" the reality sets in. They come when the time is right.
I felt that today when I was a little down about things, and just needed a familiar face from home. And boom I got the assurance and boost that I needed. The door bell rang this morning and old loving friends were there. The Beckett's had come at the right time. I don't think they know how much their prescence meant to me, but it was a blessing in disguise. I felt like George Bailey today the luckiest man alive. It was nice to feel the warmth of friends today. I know I will have a good week and a firm grip of how people feel when friends step into save the day.
The phrase at the end of movie is the real tear jerker. "No man is a failure who has friends." Or in Christain terms"No mans is a failure who has God." Tomorrow reach out to somebody who you think needs your touch of friendship, I know I will.
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