65 years ago Pearl Harbor was attacked at 7:56 am. The attack killed 2,403 of our servicemen and injured 1,708.
A major sneak attack that would cost the lives of many and wound the minds of others. I never think about this day in history because it's not mentioned a lot. My generation suffered 9/11 and that is fresh in the minds of many. But 12/7 you don't hear much about it.
I had happened to run into a program on the national geographic channel today that made me think about it.
Those that survived, it haunted them in their minds the rest of their lives. I guess something like that would. I still remember on 9/11 the screaming and the emergency vehicle sirens in the background on the radio as the reporter screams over them to report the event. But these survivors were still brought to tears after all these years. Many closed it up in their minds and never wanted to talk about it. Everyone they interviewed on this show were still hurting from this tragic event.
The thing that got my attention the most was the first japanese prisoner of war. He was captured on shore after his submarine had sank. He was the only one to survive out of his crew of 20 or more. We captured him and he became a POW. They showed him recently making a visit in 2002 to the Pearl Harbor Memorial. He seemed sorrowful for being apart of that day. He said they were orders and they had to be followed. He met some survivors from America and together they put a wreath in front of the memorial.
They showed him though by himself standing in front of the wall with all the names inscribed of those who didn't survive. I wonder what he was thinking. I believe it was, there was no need for such blood shed. My theory "WAR WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR." NOTHING!!!!!!!
I pray as a world community we can stop all wars and communicate the problem first before we start another meaningless war.
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