I just had a bad day today. I was in the worst mood I had been in, in a long time. My mood was fine till a little minor financial problem with the bank. That will get me rattled in a flash. Then I quickly got over the matter and went to bed and thought nothing of it.
So I have been waiting on a policy I sold back in March to finally pay out. So I called my broker and they still had not heard anything back yet. I became fumed because I hate run arounds. So I asked them to give me another number to somebody that could help me, because i basically told my broker they weren't doing their job. That kind of stunned the woman on the phone when I said that. I finally got through to someone and they said the policy never went through, and they didn't know why. I just hung up the phone and called the lady who I sold it to and she said they decided to not take it. I was in the mood to start throwing things out the door. I was just mad!
I told Shannon that I don't do anything to harm anybody, I don't try to screw anyone over and yet I continue to struggle. When things go wrong or things don't go the way I think they should I start my usual rant. I blame it all on Searcy. Yes, I do that! It's stupid but I do. I'm ready to pack my bags and head to a different place, I know there is somewhere else, that has better jobs.
I'm one of those people who has to have the answer now, the results have to be in front of me. But God settled me down and I had to regain my thoughts. I know there is a reason for me being in this area but I still haven't found it yet. Until then I will move forward with a better attitude and know that something good will result. I am human, a confused one!
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