Sunday, June 01, 2008

God's Purpose For Us In Life.

I found this picture on Dennis Hennen's Facebook page. I'm sitting here just looking at it and just amazed at it. My garage window has baked plenty of these over the past five years we've been in this house. Every fall when we get the energy to clean our garage we wipe out alot of dragon fly carcasses. They just seem to get trapped there for some reason. They like to play jokes on me, yes they do have sense of humor.
One day I was out weed whacking around the front beds. We have natural stone stacking rocks to line our front beds and wasp like to build there nest in there. So I was in my zone and just tearing up the weeds around the rock and above my head I saw a swarm flying. I ran thinking I had hit a nest of wasp, I ran like a little girl. I looked like an idiot. Or the dragonflies made me look like one. I looked up above me and it was the shadows of them flying around me. I just felt stupid.
It is amazing to see one of these and think about God creating one. They must have some special reason for being created, I don't know what that is. Maybe they eat mosquito's or something. That should be our reasoning for life, to feel we were put here for some reason. That we all have a special something to do while we live here on this planet. A lot of people roam this Earth trying to figure it out and just some times give up and feel no purpose for being here. I just got done reading Joel Osteen's book. The whole book he is telling us to have confidence in ourselves and that God has a plan for all of us. His plan might not be being in the middle of the spotlight but being behind the scenes. Every good thing we do may be lifting up somebody else and we might not even know it. We weren't all meant to be a leader or a specialist in something. But God has made us for something good to do. We should always be willing to try some thing new and not let ourselves become stale. God wants us to move forward in life. If your job is making you idle then you should focus on becoming something else. We need to stick ourselves out there and enjoy life and never keep from becoming better in life.
I just read about a 95 year old lady who just wrote her first children's book. I'll be lucky to be able to hear by that age, but I am going to keep moving forward in life. What you are doing now might be your calling, good keep doing it. We just like the dragonfly have a purpose in life, it might be a small purpose but it just may be what your created for.


Jeff's Photos said...

Clint nice post on Dragon Flies and God's purpose for us.

Clint Singer said...

Thanks for reading!