Yes I am here in Searcy by myself, and I am enjoying the quiet. The kids and Shannon went to Florida with her parents and brother last Saturday. I am extremely jealous! While I am eating at home every day to save money, they are eating crab legs and all kinds of seafood.
So I took the day and went to Little Rock and sincerely enjoyed myself. I needed it very badly. I have not been out of white county in 4 months, and I took the day off and spent money and felt good doing it. I think I might go to Conway tomorrow and look around and maybe spend some more money. Well maybe not! But it was good to be alone and spend the day exploring Little Rock. Shannon and I don't get much time away from the kids. She had her women's retreat a couple of weeks ago and I had my Clint retreat today. But next year I will have two weeks of vacation so I won't be left out of the Florida vacation.
But this little day out reminds me of Jesus. He was constantly around people, he was like a movie star among the people. Except He had miraculous powers of healing, and people were wanting to be healed. But even Jesus took time to go away alone and take a timeout.
In Luke 6:12 it says, "One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God."
I went shopping and Jesus spent the night praying, I did pray a couple of times while I was on the way. But His break from all the crowds was to go to His father and regain his spirit. Mine was to get out and see a change of scenery. However we spend our time alone, we all regain our strength and get our sanity back from the every day grind. I was thankful to my God for allowing me time to get away, and regain some normal in my life.
We all need time to ourselves, how you spend it is your business, that's why it's your time and nobody else's. It's not being selfish it's just slowing down your engine and coasting downhill for a day. Take time to be alone by yourself and spend it with the Lord and spend it with yourself. We all need to take a timeout sometime.
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