"My Savior loves, my Savior lives, my Savior's always there for me, my God he was, my God he is, my God He's always going to be." This is a song by an artist Aaron Shust.
With all the things going on in this world, there is one truth, our Savior lives. There are times when we feel things are just going down hill and there is no answer. We feel alone and that it is all up to us to handle it. We feel like David going against Goliath and there is no chance of defeating the giant mess in front of us. Our anger in us takes over and we let it out, and things become worse or we hurt those we love by the way we acted or by what we said.
There are times I feel like telling others around me the truth and it's probably the same for those around me. I've become better with handling things in my life by taking it to God. I ask Him to settle me down and allow me to give it to Him.
I used to have a huge problem with road rage when I used to drive to Little Rock for work. When somebody would creep up on me and tail me at the speed of 75 mph it would set me off. They would drive by me and give me the finger. I would explode and go after them. So many people have told me to never go after anybody they might have a gun in the car. That took a long time to sink in my head, but I finally took the matter to God and I left the rat race and found employment in Searcy. I learned patience and it payed off health wise. It was my giant standing in front of me. Handling patience and allowing it to become my new outlook on life really has helped me.
We talked about Patience today in class and I still haven't mastered it, but I am getting there. I have found great examples of patience in both my grandfathers and my Dad. I have never seen my Dad get rattled about anything. Just one time when he was buying a new washer and dryer and they called him to come pick it up. So he drove to the mall and when he arrived there it was the wrong ones. That is the only time I have seen him upset. He can naturally move the giant in front or the giant just got bored and got tired of waiting on him to get angry and left. Which is probably what happened, my Dad is too laid back.
Whatever matter that feels to big for us we need to know that we have an answer for that problem in a Savior that lives. The news can feed all the negative junk they want, but we have a Savior that lives, a Savior that loves and a Savior that is always there for us.
James 4:10 " Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up."
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