Monday, September 29, 2008


The bailout is really ticking me off. Seriously, this whole thing is a joke. Some people say it's a victory for the American people and others say were going to hit a Great Depression. Who do we believe? Why is the government messing around with our country's money? Why is the Jewish holiday so important to not work?
One guy had it right tonight. He said people work on Christmas and Easter, why can't they work on this Jewish holiday. And this was a Jewish man saying this. I think we should demand as a people to cut all paychecks to all government lawmakers and all the greedy executives. Put them all in jail somewhere in IRAQ. I'm tired of these unholy idiots we let run our country, and that includes Democrats also. If this country fails it's ashame. We need to get it straight and quit playing around with peoples retirement, and stop these big corporate weasels from getting a free lunch.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Political Correctness As A Christian?

Recently I have been trying to decide what side I am on. I believe I am for the Democrats. I will explain later, but some have made me feel guilty for choosing such a unholy choice. They bring up the abortion and the homosexual thing, and can't believe I would choose such a party. You know how long has abortion been around? A good while. How long has the homosexuals been around? A long time. And nothing has really been done to stop either one. How long has our country been in the hole? 8 long years! By a so-called Christian president! I haven't seen anything that represents an example of my Lord in George W. Bush. Our country was doing very well when it was ran by a Democratic President in the 90's. Our country was doing somewhat good when we had Reagan and Bush Sr. in there also. But not as good when Clinton was president.

But I choose who the best man for the job is. I'm not a fool blown Democrat, I usually have a split ticket vote when I vote. It's funny how we look at the what the candidate believes in when we choose them. I wonder why they don't do that for any other normal job? I'm glad they didn't ask me when I interviewed at Lowe's, " What is your stand on abortion? How do you feel about same sex marriage? Do you believe in God?" As far as I know I think Lowe's supports gay rights. So does that make me unholy for working there? No! I don't support same- sex marriage. I just go there to do my job and get a pay check.

I don't like to talk about politics at all. One reason. I'm not a political guru. So if i say something wrong some one smarter than me will quickly jump my back about it. But I really don't care about it at all. Because they are all liars, they have their own agendas and really don't care about any of us. Especially those of us that are middle class. We pay the bills, we are the back bone of this country. And the rich continue to get the breaks they think they deserve.

I've always routed for the underdog. I feel for the homeless, some of them can't help the way they are. I believe in a report I heard, that 75% of all homeless people have a mental illness. But then there are those that have led themselves to being homeless because they became addicted to something. I don't really feel sorry for them but I do pray for them. Everybody needs a prayer!

Those who decide to have an abortion, it is on their consciences not mine. I despise any abortion. I can't understand how anybody can come to the point of selfishness to harm a little living being inside of them. It's disgusts me. But we live in a land of freedom, and that means people have the right to choose. Even if it is murder. That is what the cost is of being free.

Somebody said it was the Democrats who took prayer out of school. Maybe it was, but what have we Christians done about it. There is still no prayer in schools, and again Bush didn't do anything about it. He was more worried about his oil money. We're are fighting a liberal breed that are more into what they believe in, than we are. If we are so gung - ho about abortion and same sex marriage. Why hasn't anybody started a million Christian march on Washington to stop it.

So I just don't know! I might just can my vote this year. I'm just not really for either candidate. I just don't believe in what any of them say. But I am writing this because I am tired of all the bashing by certain people because someone chose a different side than the other. Your not a Christian because you are a Democrat. It's just stupid!

I believe we are all in this mess together. If we would all work together, we could change things. But again everybody has an opinion, and I always listen to them. Even if they are against my beliefs, I still give them the time to say what they want. Let's not judge others for what they believe in. We can do our best to convince them to believe ours, but in the end it needs to be done peacefully. Don't shove it done their throat and condemn them to hell for believing something different. When you go to feed an animal, you don't rush up to them and cram it down their throat. You have to ease up to that animal so you don't scare it. It needs your trust, and then it will take the food. Same way with human beings. Build the trust and maybe you will change their minds. But for many that is too hard. They have to get it out as rudely as possible, and then it gives Christians a bad rap. It's true. Peaceful was Christ, and so should we be also.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Does it seem like a lot of people are getting cancer these days? I hear about all the advances they have made in cancer research, and how many are surviving this dreaded illness. But it just seems like we hear about somebody else has been diagnosed all the time. I often wonder what is causing it.

There is a sister of a teacher at the academy who just received word that her cancer is out of remission and it has spread to her lung. It just stumps me why so many are getting it.

I understand lung cancer because of smoking, but breast cancer is one you hear of a lot. Shannon received her Susan G. Komen shirt the other day for the race for the cure and for some reason she got two shirts. One was the regular shirt for the race and the other was a pink shirt that said survivor. I thought about that for the past couple of days. It kind of made me sad, but glad at the same time. The people who wear that shirt are very proud and excited to be wearing that shirt. They are happy they can wear it, and overjoyed to tell people that yes many do survive.

I pray that I never get that bad news one day, but if I do I hope I have the courage to face it. My former manager at AT&T received that message one day but she can gladly say she is a survivor of it. I wonder why God allows so many people to get cancer, but then you sit back and look at what He has done for us all in research. He has allowed researchers to see the hope for a cure, but has not given them the cure yet. I hope that those who are doing the research for cancer and various other diseases are praying to God for more information to allow them some new and positive discoveries on this illness.

I hope we will all pray for those who have cancer and that all may be healed. May God bless us all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

This Video Is For The Depressed WVU Fan, Like Me!

Watch this video and it will make you happy. I guess I can live with the depression of a rebuilding year! Click the green arrow by the title.

Is Your Name In His Book?

As I read the book of Revelations this week, it always makes me fearful. I often wonder if my name will be in God's book of life. I feel as a Christian I don't do enough and feel I am unworthy of His calling. Sure I believe in God and that he sent his Son to die for me on the cross. But many believe that is enough to get to Heaven. I don't believe that after reading Revelations. Because it says we will be judged according to what we have done.
I know we can never repay God for his grace he has lavished on us, but we just can't sit on our hands and think believing is all we need. It helps to have faith but faith without deeds is not enough as it states in the book of James. We must constantly work, we cannot brush aside the needs of others. You just can't walk up to a homeless person and say I will pray for you and ignore their needs. We have the ability to get that person some help by feeding them and getting them the help they need.
A friend of mine had bought a homeless man a Wendy's gift card and the homeless man asked if he could use it for his other homeless friends. WOW, a man in need wanted to help his other friends in need. That's incredible. I want to help the homeless in some way. I always route for the underdog. Because I have always felt I was an underdog. I believe God programmed me this way. I don't want money, I want those in need to have money. I want those who have had cancer and got better to have lots of money to be able to pay the massive medical bill they got from the greedy doctors and hospital.
I often wonder why the wrong people win the lottery. They have no clue how to use that money, they blow it on worthless and meaningless things. Yet there are those who would love to have that money to get to those who desperately need it.
I always wonder though what we need to be doing to be in that book. I want to be in it, and all of those I have known and loved to be in the heavenly book also. As I approach the age of 35 next month I start to think of my heavenly reward. It scares me because I really don't do anything to help others out. I'm going to start now. I would love to help those in the hurricane, but I have been dealing with some major back pain and some weird stuff going on with my inner ear. So it hinders me from doing anything like that. But I am praying things will work out soon and I can be able to help out. I often think of mother Teresa. She had basically nothing but her soul on this earth. She gave to those in need, always. When she won the nobel peace prize, she gave the large sum of money to the poor. She just amazed me.
I write this blog as a ministry to those who need it, I feel it is the best thing and the best way to get God's word out. But I feel its not enough. I pray we all can reach out to someone today and give them the physical and spiritual help they need. May God bless us in all our good works. Remember he's not tallying what we have done, but we need to do something more to return our appreciation back to him.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Politics, I'm Tired Of it!

Well, I'm tired of all the bashing, the name calling, the record hunters finding all the dirt on all the politicians.
Our whole country is in a bind, because of the greed of the banks. Wall street is in an uproar and a lot of people could lose a bunch of money. What's that mean to me? Nothing! Many would say, "Oh yes it does mean something too you, and you better start worrying." I'm not going to worry about it at all.
As long as I wake up and breath, and God is still with me, I don't really care about any of it. I fell for the panic at the gas pump last week, and that turned out to be a hoax. Many of the gas stations in Arkansas have been reprimanded by the Attorney General for price gouging. But I learned a lesson don't listen to the hype at all. God says we shouldn't worry, so I won't. I hope you don't worry either.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


All our gas stations Friday were packed because there were rumors gas was going to be $5 a gallon because of Ike. I had gotten gas in the morning and someone had text me about the price hike. I didn't want to fall to rumors, but I did and we filled up both vehicles. Needless to say it didn't reach any higher than $3.89. I fell for it!

The next picture is of Shannon's 30th birthday cake. We love it. Yes, she is an Oklahoma fan, but the cake is so neat we don't want to cut it.

Well, Ike has left our state. It did some damage in the state, and it knocked out our power till 9 am. We did have two close calls last night as it passed through. The sirens went off twice and the tornado clouds went right over our house. Pretty freaky, it looked like it could drop right on our property. Anyhow have a good week, and God bless!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane: Here We Go Again!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, here comes our second battle with another hurricane in two weeks. Ike is probably going to dump a lot of rain tonight and the next few days. How exciting!
The only thing that stinks about this is, The big OSU vs. USC game is on tonight and the Steelers vs. Browns is on tomorrow night. If we get significant downpours our satellite will go out a lot. I'm sick of rain, but very grateful for it also. Our summer had some very hot days in late July and the beginning of August, but with all the rain we've had a somewhat nice summer. Happy Hurricane!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I often look at Thomas Kincaid's painting and just think about being in that painting. His paintings are so refreshing and perfect. He probably sees a view like this one and makes it more beautiful than it really is.
I believe that is my view of heaven. I look at creation and capture how awesome it is and try to imagine a place more wonderful than this earth. It's easy to imagine heaven, but even if we vision something great and beautiful it will never be close to what heaven will be like. Our minds are too puny to even vision the awesomeness of God's glory.
I often wonder what's going on beyond us right now. Where are the people who have passed on from us? What are they doing? It's a mystery to us all, yet it is a thought that keeps us going. A goal to reach, unlike our earthly goals this one is worth pondering about.
I sometimes look at the sky and wonder what is beyond us. There are thoughts that I don't think about to much, but when I do they put me in my place. We live and go to sleep and expect to wake up to another day, and hope to continue that routine for a long time. I sometimes forget that I won't be here one day and that I am just mortal here. We some times get so caught up in life that we forget we're going to die one day. For we are just a mist that passes through and vanishes into thin air. I don't mean to be so drab, but i think we all need to think about this and hopefully it motivates us all to live a good life and be faithful to our God.
I believe there is something special for us all when we pass this place and go to be with the others who have left before us. A life of no sickness, no tears or worries. Our Creator will be in our prescence and what we all have dreamed of will finally come true. Peace will be amongst us and all will be surrounded by a place that will never be dark or fearful.
I watched a video called "Cardboard testimonies" tonight, and there were people holding cardboard signs telling their story and how God had changed their lives. At the end the minister said, " will this be the people who will welcome us into heaven, a line of former sinners holding their testimonies and there glorious redemption." I wonder will they all clap and give each person a standing ovation, will Christ be clapping and waiting to give us an eternal hug. I often believe heavens applause will be better than any game winning home run or touchdown. It will blow us away and give us peace that we have been longing to feel. Heaven is real, God is real. There is nothing else better to believe in, no other religion here makes more sense than Christianity does. Christianity brings us hope and an eternal salvation that is beyond our comprehension.
Let us all start doing right and doing good to others. Let's help those who don't understand our need for Christ and get them on the right track. Let's fulfill our destiny, Heaven!

Facebook, I'm Addicted!

I've been on Facebook for about a year now, and Shannon and I are addicted to it. I have totally forgotten about Myspace. Facebook has a larger Christian community and many won't join myspace because of all the bad publicity its had.
But I like Facebook a lot! I have found so many college and high school friends on there. So about a month ago I kicked Shannon off my page and told her to get her own. A month later she has surpassed me in the friends count. By a slight margin (12 more). But I think I have caught up after tonight, I found a bunch of people. She has made it a race, so I said, "it's on."
So if you you want to help me catch her start an account and add me to your friends list. I'm waiting on my slow cousins to join, my sister joined but I don't think she cares about it. But it is a good connection site to find friends and family.


7 years later people still are crying and remembering the blackest day in our nation. As I watched the people announce the names of the victims of 9/11 it still brings tears to my eyes.
We still try and figure out how some people can commit such an act of evil. The people who did it don't care, they will never repent of their anger and the stupidity of their actions. Therefore they shall burn in the fires of hell.
Osama when caught will feel our wrath, if ever brought to this country. I don't know why he hasn't been caught, but maybe our new President will make the search for him a top priority. Let us all pray for the victims of this horrible day, and remember God didn't do this. God did keep us together as a country. He helped us to not fall apart and kept us on the right track. God was there the whole time it happened, but His hand was not involved in the evil that took place, but He was definitely in the healing process. His ability to allow us to move forward and get us out of that day was a true blessing. He brought us all together as a country and brought out the best in all of us. May His love be in all of us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The White County fair is this week, and thank goodness I have to work all nights this week. I have no desire to go to our fair here. We took Brayden about 6 years ago and I said I wouldn't go ever again.
I guess it's too "Redneck" for me. The whole time you are there the gamble vendors are trying to pry you to take a shot at winning a bear made in China. Which would end up in our garage sale if I could actually win one. The rides look like junk and the people who run them look about as unsafe as the rides do. Basically I am saying the fair is not for me. Thank goodness the kids have not said anything about going. If they did. I would say "Let's just go to Walmart and buy a toy." Such a lousy parent!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

My Weekend In Sports

Well WVU blew it yesterday against ECU. The worst thing is they dropped from #8 in the polls to #25. Now that is huge drop, hopefully they won't play like they did yesterday.

The best news is Patriots QB Tom Brady is out for the season. So we might actually beat the Pat's this year. We Steelers fans are very happy Tom is out. I'm crying tears of joy!!!!!

But the Steelers had a great game today against the Texans, they won 38-17. It's always good when they win, I'm usually in a bad mood when they lose.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Now This Is taking Redneck Too Far!!!!!!

I know the picture is small, but please take a look at it. Arkansas and West Virginia should be ashamed this was not taken in either state.
If you notice this is a new look for Daisy Duke. If you look at it closely it is a pair of men's underwear cut into a halter top. Now that is brilliant! I mean that literally, I would have never in a million years thought of that. Even though this is the STUPIDEST thing ever, it's pretty darn smart. My mind is BLOWN!

Wildcat Football

It's taken me awhile to get into high school football down here in Arkansas, but I believe it has captured my attention. We are all going to the first Academy tonight and we are lucky it will be a cool night for it. I've been down here since '94 and have never really cared for high school football here. I've really missed high school football back home, it to me is the best. I miss going to Wheeling Park football games, because of the large crowds and the rivalries. The two games I miss are the John Marshall and Brooke high games they always pack the huge crowds in the thousands. You don't get that here. There are a lot of small schools and it just seems boring to me.
But since the kids attend the Academy I have really pushed myself to make it to some games. Yet there is still a lot to get used too. Academy games to me are more of a social event, like the Kentucky derby, except nobody is placing bets. I sometimes feel I am the only one watching the game. Everybody seems to walking around and talking to each other. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Unlike back home everybody there is there for the game and the bragging rights for whoever wins. Football is different down here, I've done a study.
Anyhow, the wildcats have a new coach this year and he hails originally from St. Mary's, WV so that puts a little excitement in it for me. I hope he does well! Now that we have two coaches from WV as head coaches (Dennis Rine baseball) if we could get a WV coach for the boy's basketball team we would have the perfect Tri-fecta. Go Cats!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Prayer Request

I have a very needy request for prayers. A couple in our Bible class the Irelands had a baby boy the other day named Chase. He is to have surgery today to put a balloon in his heart and another surgery to have two valves in his heart switched. Please pray for this couple and great success in his surgery. Thank you - Clint
If anybody is in need of prayers I would like to add you to my list. Just email me @ If you want these posted on my blog and I will gladly do it. May God bless us all.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Hurricane Gustav & The Republican Convention, Can't Wait Till They're Gone!!!!

This is the green blob that has been lingering over Arkansas since Tuesday. We are tired of it. It's dumped over 9 inches of rain and a lot of flooding through out the state. Gustav needs to go!
Another thing that needs to go is the RNC. I've listened to this garbage and I'm tired of the Rebuplicans and their name calling and their bashing. I have no respect for this party and never will. They know they have a tough fight against the Democrats. Rudi is speaking now and he is as liberal as they get. I just pray we all pray we pick the right person to lead this country.

Monday, September 01, 2008


Prayer is such a great thing for us. It's a moment for us to release our troubles and give thanks. I don't think I completely have a complete understanding of it. I know how to do it and I do it often, but I don't think many of us really feel the power of prayer. We can pray but do we really release are stresses after we do it. Do we leave our prayers feeling better or do we still feel stressed about what we prayed for. Do we know that God will answer our prayers or do we just utter something and go on believing it won't be answered.

Our impatience leads us to believe God won't answer our prayers soon enough. I often wonder what people ask for in prayer and how they ask for their request. I know we should use our prayer time for thankfulness and not use it as a chance to give God our Christmas list.

God knows our requests before we pray for them, He already provided an answer for us, we just need to look for it. Back in November I prayed for my financial and job condition. I got a little rough around the edges because time was running out and so was money. Yet I saw no answer for my requests in these areas I prayed for. I read a book that woke me up to God's view of prayer and how he might answer our prayers. My trust in God was very weak and my attitude was very sour. I came to realize He was answering my requests i just had to do my part. I viewed every day was a gift and changed my attitude from sour to sweet. I gave up on the year 2007 and saw that 2008 was going to be new year, a year of promise and hope. Things finally turned around in March and have continued to prosper. I got job and a promotion and a hopeful and grateful outlook on life.

Instead of asking for a new car ask God to help you find a way to get around and transportation to work. Pray for a humble attitude and the ability to trust Him for answers. Our prayers should be full of gratefulness for everything He has done for us. I don't pray for things. I pray for others and for the world. Pray for the sick, the homeless and the unemployed. Pray for the food, shelter and clothing that He gives us every day. Pray for your family and your children, if you don't have children pray for somebody else's kids. Pray for those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, that they might break the chains of addiction. But last but not least pray for yourself, I always put myself last. It was never like this before, it was always me first and how and what God was going to do for me. I've decided through study and humbleness to put others before me. I felt I was less important than others. I now feel others people's problems are more important than mine, I feel others are in need of prayers more than me. It should be that way at least by what scripture says. The last will be first, and first will be last.

Changing our prayer attitude could result for better things for us and benefit someone else also. Prayer is our link to our Living Creator. It's our magic 8 ball that will actually answer our questions. We might not see a quick result like we do on a magic 8 ball. At least the answer will be truthful and real. Pray unceasingly!