Recently I have been trying to decide what side I am on. I believe I am for the Democrats. I will explain later, but some have made me feel guilty for choosing such a unholy choice. They bring up the abortion and the homosexual thing, and can't believe I would choose such a party. You know how long has abortion been around? A good while. How long has the homosexuals been around? A long time. And nothing has really been done to stop either one. How long has our country been in the hole? 8 long years! By a so-called Christian president! I haven't seen anything that represents an example of my Lord in George W. Bush. Our country was doing very well when it was ran by a Democratic President in the 90's. Our country was doing somewhat good when we had Reagan and Bush Sr. in there also. But not as good when Clinton was president.
But I choose who the best man for the job is. I'm not a fool blown Democrat, I usually have a split ticket vote when I vote. It's funny how we look at the what the candidate believes in when we choose them. I wonder why they don't do that for any other normal job? I'm glad they didn't ask me when I interviewed at Lowe's, " What is your stand on abortion? How do you feel about same sex marriage? Do you believe in God?" As far as I know I think Lowe's supports gay rights. So does that make me unholy for working there? No! I don't support same- sex marriage. I just go there to do my job and get a pay check.
I don't like to talk about politics at all. One reason. I'm not a political guru. So if i say something wrong some one smarter than me will quickly jump my back about it. But I really don't care about it at all. Because they are all liars, they have their own agendas and really don't care about any of us. Especially those of us that are middle class. We pay the bills, we are the back bone of this country. And the rich continue to get the breaks they think they deserve.
I've always routed for the underdog. I feel for the homeless, some of them can't help the way they are. I believe in a report I heard, that 75% of all homeless people have a mental illness. But then there are those that have led themselves to being homeless because they became addicted to something. I don't really feel sorry for them but I do pray for them. Everybody needs a prayer!
Those who decide to have an abortion, it is on their consciences not mine. I despise any abortion. I can't understand how anybody can come to the point of selfishness to harm a little living being inside of them. It's disgusts me. But we live in a land of freedom, and that means people have the right to choose. Even if it is murder. That is what the cost is of being free.
Somebody said it was the Democrats who took prayer out of school. Maybe it was, but what have we Christians done about it. There is still no prayer in schools, and again Bush didn't do anything about it. He was more worried about his oil money. We're are fighting a liberal breed that are more into what they believe in, than we are. If we are so gung - ho about abortion and same sex marriage. Why hasn't anybody started a million Christian march on Washington to stop it.
So I just don't know! I might just can my vote this year. I'm just not really for either candidate. I just don't believe in what any of them say. But I am writing this because I am tired of all the bashing by certain people because someone chose a different side than the other. Your not a Christian because you are a Democrat. It's just stupid!
I believe we are all in this mess together. If we would all work together, we could change things. But again everybody has an opinion, and I always listen to them. Even if they are against my beliefs, I still give them the time to say what they want. Let's not judge others for what they believe in. We can do our best to convince them to believe ours, but in the end it needs to be done peacefully. Don't shove it done their throat and condemn them to hell for believing something different. When you go to feed an animal, you don't rush up to them and cram it down their throat. You have to ease up to that animal so you don't scare it. It needs your trust, and then it will take the food. Same way with human beings. Build the trust and maybe you will change their minds. But for many that is too hard. They have to get it out as rudely as possible, and then it gives Christians a bad rap. It's true. Peaceful was Christ, and so should we be also.
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