Our impatience leads us to believe God won't answer our prayers soon enough. I often wonder what people ask for in prayer and how they ask for their request. I know we should use our prayer time for thankfulness and not use it as a chance to give God our Christmas list.
God knows our requests before we pray for them, He already provided an answer for us, we just need to look for it. Back in November I prayed for my financial and job condition. I got a little rough around the edges because time was running out and so was money. Yet I saw no answer for my requests in these areas I prayed for. I read a book that woke me up to God's view of prayer and how he might answer our prayers. My trust in God was very weak and my attitude was very sour. I came to realize He was answering my requests i just had to do my part. I viewed every day was a gift and changed my attitude from sour to sweet. I gave up on the year 2007 and saw that 2008 was going to be new year, a year of promise and hope. Things finally turned around in March and have continued to prosper. I got job and a promotion and a hopeful and grateful outlook on life.
Instead of asking for a new car ask God to help you find a way to get around and transportation to work. Pray for a humble attitude and the ability to trust Him for answers. Our prayers should be full of gratefulness for everything He has done for us. I don't pray for things. I pray for others and for the world. Pray for the sick, the homeless and the unemployed. Pray for the food, shelter and clothing that He gives us every day. Pray for your family and your children, if you don't have children pray for somebody else's kids. Pray for those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, that they might break the chains of addiction. But last but not least pray for yourself, I always put myself last. It was never like this before, it was always me first and how and what God was going to do for me. I've decided through study and humbleness to put others before me. I felt I was less important than others. I now feel others people's problems are more important than mine, I feel others are in need of prayers more than me. It should be that way at least by what scripture says. The last will be first, and first will be last.
Changing our prayer attitude could result for better things for us and benefit someone else also. Prayer is our link to our Living Creator. It's our magic 8 ball that will actually answer our questions. We might not see a quick result like we do on a magic 8 ball. At least the answer will be truthful and real. Pray unceasingly!
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