I often look at Thomas Kincaid's painting and just think about being in that painting. His paintings are so refreshing and perfect. He probably sees a view like this one and makes it more beautiful than it really is.
I believe that is my view of heaven. I look at creation and capture how awesome it is and try to imagine a place more wonderful than this earth. It's easy to imagine heaven, but even if we vision something great and beautiful it will never be close to what heaven will be like. Our minds are too puny to even vision the awesomeness of God's glory.
I often wonder what's going on beyond us right now. Where are the people who have passed on from us? What are they doing? It's a mystery to us all, yet it is a thought that keeps us going. A goal to reach, unlike our earthly goals this one is worth pondering about.
I sometimes look at the sky and wonder what is beyond us. There are thoughts that I don't think about to much, but when I do they put me in my place. We live and go to sleep and expect to wake up to another day, and hope to continue that routine for a long time. I sometimes forget that I won't be here one day and that I am just mortal here. We some times get so caught up in life that we forget we're going to die one day. For we are just a mist that passes through and vanishes into thin air. I don't mean to be so drab, but i think we all need to think about this and hopefully it motivates us all to live a good life and be faithful to our God.
I believe there is something special for us all when we pass this place and go to be with the others who have left before us. A life of no sickness, no tears or worries. Our Creator will be in our prescence and what we all have dreamed of will finally come true. Peace will be amongst us and all will be surrounded by a place that will never be dark or fearful.
I watched a video called "Cardboard testimonies" tonight, and there were people holding cardboard signs telling their story and how God had changed their lives. At the end the minister said, " will this be the people who will welcome us into heaven, a line of former sinners holding their testimonies and there glorious redemption." I wonder will they all clap and give each person a standing ovation, will Christ be clapping and waiting to give us an eternal hug. I often believe heavens applause will be better than any game winning home run or touchdown. It will blow us away and give us peace that we have been longing to feel. Heaven is real, God is real. There is nothing else better to believe in, no other religion here makes more sense than Christianity does. Christianity brings us hope and an eternal salvation that is beyond our comprehension.
Let us all start doing right and doing good to others. Let's help those who don't understand our need for Christ and get them on the right track. Let's fulfill our destiny, Heaven!
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