Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Country Of Lazy People And Political liars!

Monday, February 23, 2009
Thinking About The Coming Of Christ

A thought came across my mind today. I was shocked when it came to my mind and I realized how long it's been since I have thought it.
I thought about how today could be the last of all times. I thought it could all end today. I'm not talking about natural death. That could happen too, but about how Jesus could come right now. I thought am I ready for such a happening. Has my life been right before the sight of God? Will I be worthy of his calling?
Did anybody think such a thought today? Do we think it regularly or just every once in awhile? I think we're all the same when it comes to thinking of the great event. I thought about why I don't make this my view every day. I figured it was the work of Satan doing this. Keeping our heads in the business of our lives. He makes work and schedules feel more important to us than trying to be ready for the Lord's coming.
He is sneaky in the ways of his evil work, just like a snake. Even what we think is immoral he makes us think that is more important than anything else. A book I'm reading talks about his ways. The writer states that Satan makes us look harder at drinking, sexual immorality and other things of sin. Yet as we focus in on those he truly makes us focus so hard on these things that we don't realize how he is pulling us farther away from God in other ways. I agree those sins mentioned above are very sinful things to be concerned about and so does the author of the book. But there are other ways the devil pulls us away from our creator and we just don't realize it. Keeping us busy with other things is one of the major ways of his schemes to pull us from God. He makes us feel that staying busy with our lives and staying ahead in the game and the other person is our top priority. He consistently makes us feel that our little lies and cheating others is alright. Our desire to find complete satisfaction in material possessions is one of Satan's best schemes ever. Many try to find hope in winning the lottery as a major satisfactory answer to life. I don't believe it is.
Money is not the answer to any type of satisfaction. There are many though (including myself) that if a huge barrel of money did come upon us that we would use it for other reasons. I often think I would use it not for my personal use, but give it to others who needed it. Then I thought about that, and Satan would find ways for me not to use it for those reasons. He would try his best to take us from that mission and to use it for our own personal gain. He's crafty, and yet I hate him. He has taken the good out of many people and made fools out of many others.
My thought I had today should be my top priority every day. We should always be prepared for the coming of Christ. Satan is the reason i don't keep focused on such a wonderful thought every day. He controls our inability to be complete in Christ. To be able to be completely devoted at all times. He is the reason for the many who won't see heaven. He makes many be so self centered that they won't acknowledge the Living Creator. They are the hard hearted that Jesus mentioned a lot in the Bible.
I have been reading this book titled "The reason for God." The author tells of the story of the rich man and the beggar that sat outside his gate. Many times the rich man passed the crippled beggar and never helped him. So the rich man was sent to hell while the beggar died and was carried off by angels to heaven. While the rich man was feeling great pain in hell he looked up to see the beggar Lazarus in the arms of Abraham. He begged to Abraham for him to let Lazarus to dip his finger in water to quench his thirst. But Abraham would not allow it.
His point of this is that the rich man was so self centered and had built his identity on his great wealth that even though he was in great pain, he still treated Lazarus as a servant. Even in his great pain in hell he still didn't learn his lesson. The author of this book states that hell in not a place of great fire and flames but a place of great selfishness. A place where our worm of selfishness will never die. That our pains will be that of never finding satisfaction, that those who were so self centered will always remain that way. A mind filled with emptiness and pain of trying to find our satisfaction. It kind of makes sense. In that story the rich man wanted his thirst quenched, his thirst being his satisfaction of his desires. And those of us who call upon the Lord know that only complete satisfaction only comes through our love for Him and His Son Jesus Christ.
I have learned how cunning the evil one is, we are at war with Satan. His desire is to go against anything that has to do with God. He's still angered by being cast from heaven and then he really found his defeat when the grave could not hold the Son of God. He will and does what he wants, yet God will always keep him in his place. To rid Satan out of our lives, can only be done through a true devotion and loving desire of Christ. To agree that their is a Living Creator and your life and heart are truly devoted to him. Ask God daily to plant Holy thoughts in your head, and ask Him to rid Satan out of our lives. Only then we can truly set our minds on our true mission and coming of Christ.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Picture Of Grace.

I am stealing this picture from a friends blog. I just am very touched by this picture. I believe it gives so many answers to our problems. There are a couple of people I am thinking of right now, that really needs this picture.
One person I don't know but I know a relative of his and I really feel for him. From what I have read from an email, this gentleman has been thrown many curve balls from every direction. And not of his own doing, things just happen to fall in his direction. He was chosen to take care of things and deal with them. But prayers are being offered up for him right now. And God has sent loved one's to help him and get back some perspective.
I'm thinking of some people who are all alone and their family has bailed out on them, totally ignoring them. No bloodlines to contact for cheer or comfort. They just bailed on them, but Jesus didn't. He sent His comfort to this person through loving Christians to become their family. Who said Christianity is evil? Obviously, they have never seen Christ's followers in action. It's powerful and will leave unbelievers in awe!
This picture is the scene of everyone who prays. For every prayer this is exactly what is going on, Jesus right there before us or beside us. He is all around us, consuming our hearts and our lives. If we were able to see him, our lives would be peaceful. Every thing would have an answer, no more worries, no more pain and all is well. But we don't see this image in our minds when we pray. We need to for now on. We need to use our imaginations and increase our faith. Then we will see this as our scene. Our time to kneel before Christ and tell him all our fears and problems and all our sins. But I don't think he would allow us time to even say any of those things. He would say, "I know and you are saved, forgiven, loved and healed." "I know, now come into my rest."
Monday, February 16, 2009
Macy's Salad of Yuck!

Macy and I went to eat lunch together today at Mazzio's. As we went in I asked her if she wanted to eat here and she said "yes." She wanted to make her favorite salad. That is all she ate and she loved it. I was totally grossed out as I ate. I showed her all the good pizza on the buffet, but she just wanted that salad.
It is a combination of green olives, black olives shredded cheddar cheese and gobs of ranch dressing. She had two plates of it. I have no idea where she gets her taste buds from, but it is not from me.
It was nice to go to lunch with her though. It's hard to get one on one time with each child. We often think each child gets enough attention, but they really don't. I believe each child needs one on one time with a parent. They often need a break from the other siblings and need to be singled out some times. And that is what we did, and it was nice.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A Guy With A Sign For Need.

I ate my lunch in my truck yesterday and enjoyed every bite of it. As I sat there I faced the parking of Walmart. I like to park there and watch all the chaos that goes on there. It's like an ant hill with constant action. I bet a 150 cars came and went the whole 40 minutes I sat there. Yesterday was Valentine's day so it was extra busy, and I sat there and I was very grateful I was not in that mess.
As I sat there I saw a man standing where most of the cars left the parking lot. He was holding a sign. Hardly any cars stopped to give him any money, only a few stopped and gave him some thing to help. I studied him the whole time I ate my lunch in my truck. I felt bad because I had no cash to give him. I had thought about going to the ATM and getting some money out for him, but I just didn't have any time left. I really wanted to know what his sign said. I couldn't read it from where I was parked, so I pulled out and swung through the parking lot so I could read it. It read, wanting to go home, need help. Man, did that pierce my heart. I had nothing to give him and no time left. So I said a prayer for him that he might get to his home and that many would help him. I still wished that I had had some money to help him though.
As I studied him, I noticed he kept his head down cause of shame. I thought, was this guy a scammer or did he really need help. I still don't know what his story was , but I felt he was sincere in his need. I think it was his head hanging low that made me really feel he didn't want to be there begging, but he wanted to go to his home bad enough that he asked for our help. I believe God puts these people there for a reason. He places them there to pierce our hearts and allow us to show our love and His no matter what their circumstances are. We are to give just like Jesus would. No reason was needed for Jesus to give his love to anybody. He gave to everyone who needed. That is the grace and greatness of His love, no conditions needed to be met. It was his duty to do, and it was his gift to all.
The things we have are not because of our own doing. We are not blessed because of what we have done, it's because of his grace and kind heart. He loves and gives because his Father does the same. He gives without hesitation. Unlike us, we have to understand their reason for need, then we will give. That's not Christ. He gives because there is a reason. I need to learn to give like Christ. I definitely missed out on it yesterday, that could have been an angel.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Holy Artist

The past couple of days have been nothing but rain and some severe weather. It's just been drab and ugly. Today it was beautiful, a little windy but just a God given day. As I drove around today waiting to pick up the kids from school. I took time to look around and see the the Holy artist at work. I didn't take any of these pictures above, but I just thought they were awesome.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Families fighting with one another.

I try to understand why family members fight. It just doesn't make any sense at all. Nobody in my family are having any quarrels right now. But there is always a certain person in the family circle that can cause tension. Why is that?
Our family is supposed to be our closest Allie. Family members are to have each others backs, no matter what. I'm big on family. Especially my family back home and the little one God has created for Shannon and I. I have always been proud of my family bloodlines. I love every cousin, Uncle and aunt that God has blessed me with. I have great memories with all of them. Never once do I remember hearing of fights among any member. I never heard of any of them ever not talking to each other for any reason. The Massey family has always been a tight knitted bloodline.
I believe the strength of our family circle is Christ. We all believe and stay strong with our Lord and Savior. We know how important Christ is to our family and the important role he plays in keeping the peace between families. We hear every day about how the American family is falling apart. How the divorce rate continues to sky rocket through the roof. How families fall apart because of adultery and selfishness.
If the world would realize how important Christ is to the marriage and relating to other family members, maybe things could change. Yet we continue to deal with it ourselves and keep Christ out of our marriages and our extended families. It's ashame that many can allow an argument to linger for many years and just remain unsolved. Years go by and family members continue to hate each other because nobody has the nerve or guts to apologize. A lady I work with said the other day her husband and his sister haven't talked in a least a year. She said it is over something so childish it eats at her all the time. I told her that it is their business and they need to put their childish ways behind them and love one another. She is caught in the middle and is tired of it. I told her it's not her business, just tell them you are done and you have more to live for than two peoples selfishness. I don't think she told them that, but it is true. Why be caught in the middle of something and ruin your life worrying about them. Just move on and tell them they are not worth wasting your time on.
Families need to love at all times. We can't waste our time on silly arguments and childish behavior. We have better things to do than fight with one another. Love is kind. We need to realize that God bound our families together for a reason. Not to break them apart for petty arguments and ignorance. Feed my sheep has stuck in my mind today. In John 21:17 Jesus asks peter three times if he believed in him. The third and final time Jesus tells Peter to "Feed his sheep." I believe a family bound together in Christ and united with him in love, are feeding his sheep. When people talk about your family and how strong of a bond there is among cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents. I believe we are feeding His sheep. By our example we will reach somebody who is looking for a special bond like that. When I look at some of the people in our Church who have been married for 40 years or more I believe their example is feeding his sheep. Giving young couples the strength to know that the world is wrong. That as long there is love and Christ in a marriage, people do fight for each other and stay married.
If you have family members who are not talking to each other and you are tired of it, tell them and unite them. If you know of marriages that are falling apart, show them the reason your marriage has lasted so long. Speak up and feed his sheep. Love one another and put Christ on the front lines of the battle. You really don't have to put him on the front line , he's already there. May God bless our families and may we fight for one another.
Sunday, February 08, 2009

I'm this bear! Laying on a log and dreaming. I dream big dreams sometimes and that is all they become,dreams. Nothing ever becomes of them. If I listed my dreams they wouldn't fit on this page. I think we all have the same potential with dreams. Some get accomplished and millions never surface outside our head. Why? How come our dreams and goals never come true? Well I don't have the answer, so you won't find in this post.
I can probably tell you some reasons why my float in my mind. One reason I can be really lazy, and then time and money can strap me down. Some times it's because I don't even know how to get started. Or I don't want to go ahead with it by myself, I need a partner to fail with me or just dive into it with me.
I don't like risks. I used too when I was younger, but ever since turning 30 five years ago I don't like to take risks. I like to play it safe. I had read about Abraham Lincoln not to long ago. He was an unsuccessful person, yet he continued to try and then he became one of the most successful Presidents in our history. You can read so many stories of famous people who took it on the chin more than once, then after taking their shots they finally accomplished their dreams. Taking risks and standing in the ring till finally it's their turn to shine.
The book I just finished by John Elderidge talks about how God wants us to take risks and faithfully trust in Him to pull us through. Fear gets it's grip upon us and we shy away and play it safe. Instead of going to God for advice and help, we give in and say "maybe tomorrow." Satan places that fear in us every day. He keeps our minds in the zone of safety. He tells us we can't do it or it's a stupid idea. Remember in the cartoons where there would be an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. One giving good advice and the other giving another. I believe that is what is really going on with us. We can't choose which path to follow or what dream to choose. It's feels awful to never accomplish any dream at all. A life of standing outside of the ring of fire and never taking a leap of faith and jump in the middle of it.
I was thinking the other night when I was at work. What would the world be like if we could live to our full potential? If we could accomplish everything our heart and mind desired. I guess that is why we dream of heaven. We will have our full potential there. Nothing there to change our mind or make us lazy and fearful of doing anything. Complete! Our work list would be accomplished every day. No more sickness or fatigue to keep us from doing the business at hand. Keep this thought in your head tomorrow. That we can do all things in Christ Jesus. Let's see what dreams surface tomorrow. Hopefully at least 1! May God bless our dreams, because He has plenty of dreams for us.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Love Is Kind!

"Love is kind."
I have been thinking for about 30 minutes about some thing I could write tonight. My blog has not been very Christian like the past week and neither has it's writer. I have been so focused on the Steelers and the Super Bowl I have neglected to be inspiring in my posts and I feel like I have neglected my own Christian duties.
I have been kind of not inspired over the past week in any thing. I had a bad week where I let every thing bother me and just neglected everyone around me. I found fault in everyone at work and everything around me. Then I realized I was part of the problem, I was allowing Satan too break my walls down and get to me. He did a very good job of it! But I have regained strength and asked him to go away from me. It seems to have worked.We had a little visitor show up just in time the other day and it has seems it will stick around for awhile.
Our visitor is a stray cat who is just pitiful, yet very loving and sweet. I don't like cats at all, but this one is different though. Brayden told me a cat was on our deck and I usually run out the door and scare it away, but I didn't. I thought of my little daughter and decided to give it a chance. She wants a cat. Well she got her wish. It was at that moment that I decided that "Love is kind." Kind is not what I have been lately.
God's love is kind, yet it is even more than what this word says or means. His love is more than we can fathom. The word kind though can mean a lot to our puny minds. But it still doesn't touch the true beauty of God's love. It would be amazing if the world could be kind and be able to love everybody no matter what they may do to us. I want to love like I've seen others love.
I want to be able to show love like God can. Hate surrounds our world in many shapes and forms. It's the devil's favorite thing to do to us. He wants us to hate each other and really wants us to hate God. He wants to win this war he created long ago, He doesn't want us to have any ounce of love or devotion toward the loving Father that created us. He has lost the battle and now he tries to drag us into his little boo-hoo party. I won't have it, yet I continue to get fooled by him and he thinks he has won you and I over. Yet one prayer for forgiveness, defeats him and he tries again and again. We need to realize we have won the war, and that we are no longer sinners. Our hearts are good not bad. Sinning is something that God knows of. If he didn't then why would he have sent His Son to bear our sins and give us a new heart. God knows of sin and He knows what will become of Satan. But he also knows what will become of us if we don't repent and give Him our hearts and minds and love one another. We must live by faith and truly give it all to God, we must take risks and faithfully trust in our Father and not lose our faith. Finish the race with God and live in Him to the fullest and our reward is waiting there with him. Love is kind, tell that to somebody who doesn't know how to love.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
The Black & Gold Victory Parade!
Monday, February 02, 2009
What A Wild And Crazy Super Bowl! Way To Go Steelers!