As I listened to President Obama's speech the other night I agreed with a lot of the things he said. I am like a lot of Americans though, skeptical!
I know people are starting to finally except him as our new President. I believe we have been lied to a lot the past 8 years. I never saw Bush explain things like Obama did, and it was nice to see somebody up there that seemed like it was time to clean house. I really don't like politicians anymore. I just think they are a bunch of foolish people who are in it for their own gain.
They don't care anything about us and if you believe they are then you have a lot to learn.
This huge financial fiasco were in has been caused not just by the government but also by its people. Americans have become lazy. We have cheated each other and took advantage of each other. I wish those who handed out these loans would be put in jail. No slap on the wrists but true punishment.
We had a pretty severe ice storm in Arkansas a few weeks ago. It damaged a lot of area here, yet those who suffered loss here will receive federal funding soon. In a news report the other night they reported that there are many who still have not received federal aid in new Orleans yet. Why? I can't believe that area still has not been helped yet. Do you want to know the reason for it? The FEMA office in New Orleans is a mess and they said needs to be investigated. Is it a racial thing? Do they feel these people are not important and don't deserve the help? From the beginning I felt it was a racial thing and I still do.
Politicians and the rich are clueless of where they are headed. It irritates me to see those politicians sit in that speech and act all buddy buddy and as many people in their country they represent go to bed in the streets and children go hungry. Maybe Obama is headed in the right direction and really does care about the little man. We'll see the results soon, hopefully!
People like to delegate their work to others. They like the power in giving others their responsibility. This is a big thing at my work place. I have responsibilities that come with my little title. I want to do what I am supposed to do, yet others say delegate things for others to do. Make the lower positioned people to do it. NO! it's my responsibility! They have other things to do, why do I need to push my work on others. So I don't do it. Americans need to take care of their business and do their job. We have become so spoiled in this country that we don't want to do our responsibilities. Then we find ourselves in the hole we are in.
Many factors have caused this so called recession. Obama was right that not only does the government need to act right and take action. We as Americans need to do our part also, quit being so fat and spoiled and get back to work. I have back troubles and other joints that ache a lot. People ask me why I am having this trouble at such a young age. I say, "It's because I have never shied away from work, I do my job and don't expect others to do it because it won't get done."
I often wonder what would happen if our economy just went flat and everything returned back to the way it was in the early years. When people didn't have the luxuries we have now. It would never revive again, nobody would know how to do anything at all. The Mexicans would have to lead this country back they would show us how to live on pennies a day and survive. Americans let's get back to work and start praying to our LORD FOR ANSWERS.
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