I am listening to a song by a group called Casting Crowns. It is titled "I will praise you in this storm."
As the country continues to be delivered bad news of the economy, it can constantly bring all of us down. I really try not to listen to any of it. I feel it is just another scare tactic the press is using to get us fearful of things. I do believe we are in trouble in many areas, but I don't think it will completely fall apart.
There never seems to be any good news anymore. It seems to be the year for airplanes to be going down and money is being spent by our government that hasn't been paid for yet. It all seems like it is just another gimmick of the press and the government. They all have to get us fearful about something. Like the gas situation this past summer. Everybody started to get freaked out because of the Hurricanes and and everyone and their brother lined up at the gas stations because of the possible $5 gas. Or how about the hole in the ozone layer, nobody seems to talk about that anymore. Did it just seal itself ?
There is always something to fear about anymore. That is what we talked about in Bible class this past Sunday. The topic was temptation and how Satan uses fear as a temptation. Fear is one of his best weapons. We all do it. Now if you asked me what I am fearful about now, it would take a few minutes to answer that one. I really am not fearful of anything right now. There are some bills that might be on my mind that I am going to have to start paying in July. I really have no answer how I will make this payment, but I decided to give it to God and allow Him to give me the answer when the time comes.
I have learned to give God all my fears. I used to be terrified when it came to tornadic severe weather here in Arkansas. That is real. When the weather man says take cover you do, no hype just plain reality. One night I knew that there was going to be stormy weather with a great chance of tornadoes. I just asked God to turn it away from us. You know what, he did. There was a huge wall cloud with rotation that had been coming toward our town. I just kept watching the radar and gradually that storm turned away from our area and left me with great peace in my heart. Every time there is a chance of severe weather, I ask God to keep it away from us. So far we haven't had any tornadoes around us at all. We have had some close calls, twice last fall, but I just stood outside and watched that wall cloud go right over our house and just prayed. It worked.
We need to mindful of those who have lost their jobs because of many reasons. We need to praise God in the storm. We need to know that eventually the sun will break through the clouds. A lot of times we may have to weather the storm, but faithfully believing that he will give us safety through the storm of life. In the end he will give us an answer, the clouds will disappear and gives us the light of the sun. I have read some good books over the years by some very good Christian authors. Recently I have been drawn toward some really good books. They appeared to me at just the right time. They have taught me a lot, but no matter where we get our inspiration from there is nothing better to read than the Bible. It is our God speaking to us through His word. He asks us to knock and the door shall be opened for us, He asks us to not worry because he feeds the birds and clothes the fields with many beautiful things. He tells us that we are more important than the birds of the air and the fields. He will clothes us and give us the thing we need so just don't worry, just believe in Him, because he loves us more than anything on Earth.
When it feels like the world is closing in on us with its demands, then and there is where we should give him his well deserved praise. So praise Him in the storm and praise in the sun. He won't deny us.
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