This weeks posts are going to be about signs I see. I sometimes feel like I have nothing to write about. I had thought about not posting anymore or at least taking a hiatus from blogging. But others have told me they don't think that would be a good idea. So I decided to start reading signs especially Church signs. Last night I posted about a bumper sticker I saw yesterday. Tonight I will tell you about a Church sign.
Our town is like a small Jerusalem. There is a church at every corner. The town is a very church oriented place. Of course with Harding University being here, that helps a lot. So every church has a little tidbit of info on their signs. I ask God all the time if my blog helps anybody and it seems like it might. If you can help one person in the world of readers it is a great feeling. So here is the sign I read tonight.
"If God feels far away, who moved?"
So true. We always feel like God has disappeared and we blame him for it. When all the time it is us who have moved. We have decided to take on the world by ourselves. We feel it is up to us, because God didn't give us the answer we wanted. Our selfishness has taken over our souls. So we take the journey of life on our own. I learned that a long time ago, and still struggle with it today. Satan pulls us from God. He makes us feel it us who answers our own problems. That we can make it all better. Not true! In life the sun and the moon move constantly, God doesn't. We moved not Him. He is and always will be there in the same place. God didn't move, but only to draw us near. Love God, He is all that we have in this life.
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