This is a direct quote from American Idol tonight. The newest judge said of the last singer, "This is from God, you can teach that!" I'm glad to see God was praised for his ability to bring talent into the soul of a young girl on national TV.
Talent is something that is directly produced by God. I often wonder why some people are blessed with great talent. We all have a talent, but some are just born with great talent that can make you have goose bumps. The singing voice is a talent that just leaves me in awe.
I sat in church Sunday morning and was just filled with great joy. You can't beat the a cappela singing of College Church. When the church building is full it's just amazing. I sat there and stopped singing and closed my eyes so I could get the whole effect, it was amazing. I often wonder how wonderful the singing in heaven will be. I think I get a taste of it every Sunday at worship.
There are so many people past and present that have brought me great joy by seeing, hearing and reading there ability to deliver their great talent. My new phrase won't be they've got talent. It will be "That is from God!" Because He is the creator of all the worlds talent. Talent is here for a reason. When it used for the right reasons it is great. But when used for ignorant and perverse reasons then that person has misused and missed the point of their talent. Talent is another reason for us to give God the praise He deserves. I believe if we had no one to entertain or inspire us then we would get very bored of this world. If talent is used for Godly reasons it is a motivating experience for us all.
Many claim to have a talent, and I believe we all have one or many talents. But to use it for the wrong reasons is shameful. God has given it to us for a reason, so use it wisely and thank Him for blessing us with such a heavenly gift. Talent is God given, you can't teach that!"
1 comment:
You should read Malcolm Gladwell's new book Outliers. It will confound your thinking.
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