I really don't know how to feel about this stem cell situation. I guess I need some opinions about this. I can be very upset with abortion, but I really can't get a feeling about the killing of embryo's. I understand they have to kill the embryo to create a stem cell, so I really just can't get a grip on the feeling that it is murder.
I know that embryo's are what many consider life and that they have the chance to become human beings. I know there is ways that they can do this in an ethical way by using cells from the skin. But that just isn't quite ready yet. I also understand the possibility of human cloning. I'm not for that.
As I watched an interview with Michael J. Fox today, I just hoped there is some hope for this research. Fox is getting worse by the day with his ailment of Parkinson's. I could see in his face, his hate for his sickness and hope for any possible cure. I couldn't imagine being in a constant rhythm of shaking like he tries to tolerate. Or even the chance of this research to heal cancer, Alzheimer's and the possibility for a person to walk again from a spinal injury.
We all know there is a cure for all sickness. It just hasn't been revealed to us yet by God. He has the cure in hand, it's just a prayer away. We might be one cell away from curing every thing that ails us in this world. It just hasn't been revealed yet, and maybe it never will be. Maybe when we are in the great conference room with God and he is telling us all the things we always wanted to know. Maybe then he will reveal the answers to us all. Maybe it wasn't one cell or a single embryo. He might just say the cure was "trust!" It might just boil down to a simple word of faith. He might say, "If you would've just trusted me and loved me the way I wanted you to, I would have revealed the cure. If the scientist's would have just prayed for the cure instead of trying to figure it out themselves I would have given the clue to it all." Noticed the words "WOULD HAVE!"
If we would have done it like he wanted us too, many things and prayers would be answered. That's why Christ came because we couldn't do it, he could. I believe the answer could be in stem cell research, but I think somebody needs to ask God to get the researchers to pray about it. Then maybe it might be the cure, until then it will remain a mystery and a religious conflict.
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