We heard some very bad news about a close friend of ours today. Michelle is the young lady that cleans our house a couple times a month. She is a single mother of two children. Her trailer caught on fire the other day and burnt completely to the ground. Leaving them with nothing but a few family pictures and a few articles of clothing.
Michelle has been cleaning for us for about 6 years and we have grown to know her very well. She is a very good Christian lady who loves her children very much. I have always been wishing the best for her. Her life recently has hit some rough spots over the past couple of years. She has just recently went through a divorce and her husband left because he was immature and selfish. I would call him a JERK to his face if I ever saw him on the street, but that is just my opinion. She really needs your prayers and help at this moment in time. She has a teenage daughter and a 2 year old boy that is just as cute as a button.
Michelle is one of the most hard working people I know. She cleans a lot of houses here in Searcy plus drives to Little Rock three days a week to work the night shift at Baptist Hospital. She really makes me feel lazy some times, but she does a good job in everything she does. I just really hope God will put her in His favor tonight and always.
If you would like to help by sending donations of toddler clothes or money or even a gift card it would be much appreciated. I really want to use this blog for other ways than just me saying what's on my mind. If you want to send a donation to help you can send to my address.
Clint Singer
906 Fairway Drive
Searcy, AR 72143
I would love to see what this blog can do to help others out. I will give an address where she is staying if you would like to send it there. Helping out others has become my motto for this year. I have enough while others don't. Thank you for whatever you decide to do. May God Bless our giving Spirit. Anything I receive will go directly to the family, you can trust me on that.
Cuz, i'll send something, just keep reminding me.
Thanks I appreciate it and so would she. Thanks again.
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