Next to Christmas St. Patrick's day is my other favorite holiday. I love the green, the shamrocks, and being of Irish blood. Being from the northern part of the country I am used to being around a lot of Irish people. We love this day very much.
As I read about St. Patrick tonight, I found out that he used the shamrock as a model for the Holy Trinity. I never really thought about using it as an example for Christianity, but I guess you could. Three leafs united as one. The same with the Trinity of God. The Holy Spirit, the Son and the Holy Father united as one. The Holy spirit is our guide here on Earth, the Son is our Savior and intercedes for us and the Father holds all things together. The Trinity amazes me and also comforts me at all times. I am thankful our Lord decided to gives us the The three united as one. The Trinity shows that God is a God that works in unity and also wants us to be a part of that unity. It's a true team effort, with no arguments and no division. It the only complete circle that will never divide itself.
Don't we wish we could work as a complete unit. No Democrats or Republicans. No conservatives or Liberals. No Black versus White. No right wing or left wing. Nothing but complete agreement. No fists in the air aimed at each other, just an ever binding handshake. Projects groups would have no slackers and no one would have to pick up the slack of the slacker.
Heaven will be like that, everything will work the way it was meant to be. Complete unity guided by the light of the SON! No more decisions. They have already been decided. No more judgement of others, for all will do their work the way it was meant to be done. The circle of God cannot be broken ever. Will that ever be a relief for us all. Completness. Decide tonight what your decision will be. Will you choose a broken circle or a complete one. I choose the unbreakable circle. It makes sense! So the next time you see a clover remember the complete holiness of the "Trinity of God."
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