Yes, do they think we're stupid? As I continue to read about these idiot's of the bailout corporations. Like AIG, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. I just can't believe they think we're stupid. That they ask for a bailout because they stink at running their companies. They show their smug faces in front of congress and ask for billions of dollars because they we're nothing but a bunch of cheaters and greedy thugs who cheated and lied to people. And now they want to give their lousy executives millions of dollars in bonuses. WHY???????????? My money is going to these creeps and to their already over puffed bank accounts. I am beyond angered, I am to the point I would like to send them all to prison and see them cry themselves to sleep and really see what the criminals will do to them. I have no remorse for these scammers and hopefully God does, but I don't.
I really hope the government can stop them from handing these bonuses of greed out. The government has no right to be an angel either in this situation. They have been stealing our money since the beginning. But somebody needs to set these guys straight. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An older gentleman came into Lowe's the other night and was talking about how GM has cut his retirement in half. And I really am not mad at him, but those workers were way overpaid and didn't deserve a $100 dollars an hour. Come on, nobody is worth that much an hour not even a doctor. Satan has made us feel we are worth something in this world. That the almighty dollar makes us important. The more money we have the better we are and feel. UNTRUE! He has lied to us and the truth lies in our God. Goodness and love are what makes you important to God. We will all lose our material things, but the representation of our lives and how we love our fellow people is what is important. Greed I hate it, and so does our God. It's time for our world to change. Stop believing in our possessions and start redefining our lives in God. Write your Senators and tell them the truth, don't hold back. Tell them contracts can be broken and no bonuses for these crooks. Thank you
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