Over the past few months of 2009 things haven't been really great. I have know idea what is coming next. It started well for me when the Steelers won the Super Bowl. But lately the news has been awful. How many plane crashes have we had? Too many to count. Our economy seems to be getting better and then again it's not, it seems to change every day. Gas prices are going up and then they go down. What is the real situation? I don't know, none of us seem to know.
I read a story a few minutes ago that really bothered me. It's about two brother that owned a car dealership in Pennsylvania. The high gas prices and the credit crunch finally took a beating on these two brothers. They had owned this dealership since 1960. It was a very well known place in that area. On February 17 th one of the brothers had gone to the dealership and set a bunch of cars on fire and then had a heart attack and died right beside the burning cars. The other brother had gone missing a few weeks later and was found dead in a wooded area, suicide is believed to be his cause of death.
The dealership had laid off most of its workers and fell into debt because of not being able to pay for their idle inventory.
We hear all the time about big chains businesses closing and people losing their jobs and going to live in their cars and the streets. I really think were going to climb out of the hole we dug ourselves into. I know economies can hit bottom and then redefine themselves. It's going to be OK!
I saw the pictures of the families that recently died in that plane crash in Montana. The children were so cute, and I just couldn't bare such a great loss. Such a horrible tragedy. Do we have a positive outlook on this year? I try to. It's hard but as I watch less and less of CNN and the other news stations I feel positive. As long as I don't hear their negativity I'm alright. But we definitely have had a rough start to this new year.
With this drug war in Mexico and how it is moving onto the U.S. it just keeps going on. I wonder what's next. I hoping good things, and nothing less. I think we all need to hear some good news, right now. Every night read my Bible or some type of Christian book and it makes me feel better about things. It's the only positive thing we really have anymore. It's necessary to keep reading positive things to keep the negativity out of our lives.
Prayer has always been a staple of mine, to give all my requests to God. A lot of times prayer is not just a moment to give thanks or make requests, but just to think that I am talking to our Creator gives me great relief. You can talk to a friend or family member and you hope they truly understand your situation. A lot of times it doesn't really help or satisfy our needs. Going to God and letting it all out is true assurance that you are talking to somebody who understands and can honestly help.
I think we are in the age of where we need to build our relationship with our Lord. In times of distress and negativity he is our answer to all our problems. I think it is time for our world to take up their cross and give our hearts to the Prince of peace. We need to believe that our God is not just a supreme Being, but a loving Father who needs our love and wants to help. He is there for us all day, he never sleeps and never turns away from us. I believe if those brothers would have stopped and looked at the clouds and gave their burdens to our Lord things would have been alright. Satan gave them no option out, he covered their hearts and made them take things into their own hands instead of putting themselves in to the loving hands of God. It's time to come home, and feel the love that Christ offers us. Times are bad, but with Christ things are great!
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