Today is a special day. Macy turns 6 today. She is so precious to me and Shannon, a true blessing from God. I never knew she would be so special. Everybody knows macy, because she is very outgoing and just loves everybody, especially the little boys in her class. UH-OH!
She is a rascal though! She loves to irritate her brothers a lot. Driving them completely nuts. She can hold her own though, she can fight back very well. This picture cracks me up. It was taken the other day. If you have seen the movie "Finding Nemo" you'll remember that Nemo was to be a present for this dentist's little niece. She was very rowdy and rough with all her pets. Macy follows her example very well. Her little cat "Shelby" takes a lot of abuse from all three of our children, but Macy gives her the most love. She carries the cat around all the time like a football. I tell her the cat is going to bite her if she continues to be rough with her. She doesn't care though, Shelby is her best friend. She carries her around so much that she is covered in cat hair, which drives me insane. I hate cat hair!!!!!! The other night I told her to change her PJ's because she was just smothered in hair from the cat. She said she didn't care. My eyebrows touched, but I let it go!!
Macy is something else, she loves to laugh and be completely rotten. She is always up to something. I had inherited a huge box of retired "Beanie Babies" the other day. I taped the box shut and figured she wouldn't get into it. When I got home from work she had opened the box and found a bunch she had liked. You can't hide anything from her. I love her dearly though, and I am so blessed when March 30th rolls around. I think of the day she was born and how awesome it was to welcome her little soul to Earth. We are truly blessed, and I know God will make her a great and kind warrior for His will. Thank you Lord for a true blessing in Macy.
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