A thought came across my mind today. I was shocked when it came to my mind and I realized how long it's been since I have thought it.
I thought about how today could be the last of all times. I thought it could all end today. I'm not talking about natural death. That could happen too, but about how Jesus could come right now. I thought am I ready for such a happening. Has my life been right before the sight of God? Will I be worthy of his calling?
Did anybody think such a thought today? Do we think it regularly or just every once in awhile? I think we're all the same when it comes to thinking of the great event. I thought about why I don't make this my view every day. I figured it was the work of Satan doing this. Keeping our heads in the business of our lives. He makes work and schedules feel more important to us than trying to be ready for the Lord's coming.
He is sneaky in the ways of his evil work, just like a snake. Even what we think is immoral he makes us think that is more important than anything else. A book I'm reading talks about his ways. The writer states that Satan makes us look harder at drinking, sexual immorality and other things of sin. Yet as we focus in on those he truly makes us focus so hard on these things that we don't realize how he is pulling us farther away from God in other ways. I agree those sins mentioned above are very sinful things to be concerned about and so does the author of the book. But there are other ways the devil pulls us away from our creator and we just don't realize it. Keeping us busy with other things is one of the major ways of his schemes to pull us from God. He makes us feel that staying busy with our lives and staying ahead in the game and the other person is our top priority. He consistently makes us feel that our little lies and cheating others is alright. Our desire to find complete satisfaction in material possessions is one of Satan's best schemes ever. Many try to find hope in winning the lottery as a major satisfactory answer to life. I don't believe it is.
Money is not the answer to any type of satisfaction. There are many though (including myself) that if a huge barrel of money did come upon us that we would use it for other reasons. I often think I would use it not for my personal use, but give it to others who needed it. Then I thought about that, and Satan would find ways for me not to use it for those reasons. He would try his best to take us from that mission and to use it for our own personal gain. He's crafty, and yet I hate him. He has taken the good out of many people and made fools out of many others.
My thought I had today should be my top priority every day. We should always be prepared for the coming of Christ. Satan is the reason i don't keep focused on such a wonderful thought every day. He controls our inability to be complete in Christ. To be able to be completely devoted at all times. He is the reason for the many who won't see heaven. He makes many be so self centered that they won't acknowledge the Living Creator. They are the hard hearted that Jesus mentioned a lot in the Bible.
I have been reading this book titled "The reason for God." The author tells of the story of the rich man and the beggar that sat outside his gate. Many times the rich man passed the crippled beggar and never helped him. So the rich man was sent to hell while the beggar died and was carried off by angels to heaven. While the rich man was feeling great pain in hell he looked up to see the beggar Lazarus in the arms of Abraham. He begged to Abraham for him to let Lazarus to dip his finger in water to quench his thirst. But Abraham would not allow it.
His point of this is that the rich man was so self centered and had built his identity on his great wealth that even though he was in great pain, he still treated Lazarus as a servant. Even in his great pain in hell he still didn't learn his lesson. The author of this book states that hell in not a place of great fire and flames but a place of great selfishness. A place where our worm of selfishness will never die. That our pains will be that of never finding satisfaction, that those who were so self centered will always remain that way. A mind filled with emptiness and pain of trying to find our satisfaction. It kind of makes sense. In that story the rich man wanted his thirst quenched, his thirst being his satisfaction of his desires. And those of us who call upon the Lord know that only complete satisfaction only comes through our love for Him and His Son Jesus Christ.
I have learned how cunning the evil one is, we are at war with Satan. His desire is to go against anything that has to do with God. He's still angered by being cast from heaven and then he really found his defeat when the grave could not hold the Son of God. He will and does what he wants, yet God will always keep him in his place. To rid Satan out of our lives, can only be done through a true devotion and loving desire of Christ. To agree that their is a Living Creator and your life and heart are truly devoted to him. Ask God daily to plant Holy thoughts in your head, and ask Him to rid Satan out of our lives. Only then we can truly set our minds on our true mission and coming of Christ.
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