I'm this bear! Laying on a log and dreaming. I dream big dreams sometimes and that is all they become,dreams. Nothing ever becomes of them. If I listed my dreams they wouldn't fit on this page. I think we all have the same potential with dreams. Some get accomplished and millions never surface outside our head. Why? How come our dreams and goals never come true? Well I don't have the answer, so you won't find in this post.
I can probably tell you some reasons why my float in my mind. One reason I can be really lazy, and then time and money can strap me down. Some times it's because I don't even know how to get started. Or I don't want to go ahead with it by myself, I need a partner to fail with me or just dive into it with me.
I don't like risks. I used too when I was younger, but ever since turning 30 five years ago I don't like to take risks. I like to play it safe. I had read about Abraham Lincoln not to long ago. He was an unsuccessful person, yet he continued to try and then he became one of the most successful Presidents in our history. You can read so many stories of famous people who took it on the chin more than once, then after taking their shots they finally accomplished their dreams. Taking risks and standing in the ring till finally it's their turn to shine.
The book I just finished by John Elderidge talks about how God wants us to take risks and faithfully trust in Him to pull us through. Fear gets it's grip upon us and we shy away and play it safe. Instead of going to God for advice and help, we give in and say "maybe tomorrow." Satan places that fear in us every day. He keeps our minds in the zone of safety. He tells us we can't do it or it's a stupid idea. Remember in the cartoons where there would be an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. One giving good advice and the other giving another. I believe that is what is really going on with us. We can't choose which path to follow or what dream to choose. It's feels awful to never accomplish any dream at all. A life of standing outside of the ring of fire and never taking a leap of faith and jump in the middle of it.
I was thinking the other night when I was at work. What would the world be like if we could live to our full potential? If we could accomplish everything our heart and mind desired. I guess that is why we dream of heaven. We will have our full potential there. Nothing there to change our mind or make us lazy and fearful of doing anything. Complete! Our work list would be accomplished every day. No more sickness or fatigue to keep us from doing the business at hand. Keep this thought in your head tomorrow. That we can do all things in Christ Jesus. Let's see what dreams surface tomorrow. Hopefully at least 1! May God bless our dreams, because He has plenty of dreams for us.
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