I ate my lunch in my truck yesterday and enjoyed every bite of it. As I sat there I faced the parking of Walmart. I like to park there and watch all the chaos that goes on there. It's like an ant hill with constant action. I bet a 150 cars came and went the whole 40 minutes I sat there. Yesterday was Valentine's day so it was extra busy, and I sat there and I was very grateful I was not in that mess.
As I sat there I saw a man standing where most of the cars left the parking lot. He was holding a sign. Hardly any cars stopped to give him any money, only a few stopped and gave him some thing to help. I studied him the whole time I ate my lunch in my truck. I felt bad because I had no cash to give him. I had thought about going to the ATM and getting some money out for him, but I just didn't have any time left. I really wanted to know what his sign said. I couldn't read it from where I was parked, so I pulled out and swung through the parking lot so I could read it. It read, wanting to go home, need help. Man, did that pierce my heart. I had nothing to give him and no time left. So I said a prayer for him that he might get to his home and that many would help him. I still wished that I had had some money to help him though.
As I studied him, I noticed he kept his head down cause of shame. I thought, was this guy a scammer or did he really need help. I still don't know what his story was , but I felt he was sincere in his need. I think it was his head hanging low that made me really feel he didn't want to be there begging, but he wanted to go to his home bad enough that he asked for our help. I believe God puts these people there for a reason. He places them there to pierce our hearts and allow us to show our love and His no matter what their circumstances are. We are to give just like Jesus would. No reason was needed for Jesus to give his love to anybody. He gave to everyone who needed. That is the grace and greatness of His love, no conditions needed to be met. It was his duty to do, and it was his gift to all.
The things we have are not because of our own doing. We are not blessed because of what we have done, it's because of his grace and kind heart. He loves and gives because his Father does the same. He gives without hesitation. Unlike us, we have to understand their reason for need, then we will give. That's not Christ. He gives because there is a reason. I need to learn to give like Christ. I definitely missed out on it yesterday, that could have been an angel.
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