The past couple of days have been nothing but rain and some severe weather. It's just been drab and ugly. Today it was beautiful, a little windy but just a God given day. As I drove around today waiting to pick up the kids from school. I took time to look around and see the the Holy artist at work. I didn't take any of these pictures above, but I just thought they were awesome.
Growing up in West Virginia all you see is hills. We are surrounded by hills, beautiful they are in the summer time. I can't never complain about the scenery of West Virginia, it's some of the most beautiful landscape in the country. One thing I have noticed about living in Arkansas with it's flat land you can see something you don't see in WV. I noticed awhile back that here you can see the dome shape of the Earth. The roundness of the planet is visible, you can see for miles across the land of Arkansas. In WV you are blocked by hills and you can't see the shape of the Earth. It amazes me to see such a feature. It gives you a globe feeling. I know most people would say, "So what?" But it really gives you a deep thought about our Creator and his ability to make such great things in nature. It humbles me and flatters me at the same time. I stand in awe!
Take some time today and every day to see God's wonderful creation and just bathe yourself in its beauty. I just never understand how anybody can believe in a "Big Bang Theory." It's just strange! Our planet is to complex and amazing for it all to happen in a big bang.
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