"Love is kind."
I have been thinking for about 30 minutes about some thing I could write tonight. My blog has not been very Christian like the past week and neither has it's writer. I have been so focused on the Steelers and the Super Bowl I have neglected to be inspiring in my posts and I feel like I have neglected my own Christian duties.
I have been kind of not inspired over the past week in any thing. I had a bad week where I let every thing bother me and just neglected everyone around me. I found fault in everyone at work and everything around me. Then I realized I was part of the problem, I was allowing Satan too break my walls down and get to me. He did a very good job of it! But I have regained strength and asked him to go away from me. It seems to have worked.We had a little visitor show up just in time the other day and it has seems it will stick around for awhile.
Our visitor is a stray cat who is just pitiful, yet very loving and sweet. I don't like cats at all, but this one is different though. Brayden told me a cat was on our deck and I usually run out the door and scare it away, but I didn't. I thought of my little daughter and decided to give it a chance. She wants a cat. Well she got her wish. It was at that moment that I decided that "Love is kind." Kind is not what I have been lately.
God's love is kind, yet it is even more than what this word says or means. His love is more than we can fathom. The word kind though can mean a lot to our puny minds. But it still doesn't touch the true beauty of God's love. It would be amazing if the world could be kind and be able to love everybody no matter what they may do to us. I want to love like I've seen others love.
I want to be able to show love like God can. Hate surrounds our world in many shapes and forms. It's the devil's favorite thing to do to us. He wants us to hate each other and really wants us to hate God. He wants to win this war he created long ago, He doesn't want us to have any ounce of love or devotion toward the loving Father that created us. He has lost the battle and now he tries to drag us into his little boo-hoo party. I won't have it, yet I continue to get fooled by him and he thinks he has won you and I over. Yet one prayer for forgiveness, defeats him and he tries again and again. We need to realize we have won the war, and that we are no longer sinners. Our hearts are good not bad. Sinning is something that God knows of. If he didn't then why would he have sent His Son to bear our sins and give us a new heart. God knows of sin and He knows what will become of Satan. But he also knows what will become of us if we don't repent and give Him our hearts and minds and love one another. We must live by faith and truly give it all to God, we must take risks and faithfully trust in our Father and not lose our faith. Finish the race with God and live in Him to the fullest and our reward is waiting there with him. Love is kind, tell that to somebody who doesn't know how to love.
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