I really love to watch the nature of animals and insects here among us. They just amaze me, to see them do what they do. Like this little bug in this picture, what are his or her goals for the day? How simple can their little lives be? What makes them have the ability to do whatever they do? Their brain must be so tiny that you could not even find it without mushing it. Yet, God sees them just as important to life as any other creature on the Earth. I look at our cat Shelby and just marvel at her. The way she acts sometimes is something to behold. I always thought cats were just stupid. They're not like dogs, they don't sniff at the dinner table or lick in you in the face when you pet them. They just kind of do their own thing. Shelby has always liked to roam around in the outdoors all summer long. Sometimes she never shows up till morning or she will pull the meowing at the front door right after I decide to set the alarm for the night.
Since it has become a little cooler during the night she seems to be liking to sleep in the house at night. When she is in the house in the morning she roams around the house looking for the kids while they are at school. She misses them, and when they arrive she is in the middle of them. She has become our spoiled little cat it seems, and I have taken a liking to her though. She is a good cat well behaved, doesn't get on the counter tops or the tables. She just seems to like our being around her. It's almost sad to think that nobody wanted her and just left her near our house. She is just a cat that is sweet and has feelings.
I wander in amazement that God gave us such a variety of animals to choose from to become our pets and be able to enjoy them as much as all of us has. Our God is a lover of his children and his animals he created. He put a lot into making all these wonderful creatures, that they have the ability to make the lonely feel wanted. That they are able to be trained to help the blind walk, to help the elderly smile and make the sickest of children happy and cheerful. For those who feel God is against them or feel that our God is a God that brings evil upon this Earth, think again! He is God of great love. If he can bring love to the simplest animals here, take a look at the love he brings to every man, woman and child. Our God is a living Creator that continues to bring about pure happiness and great love to His people. Make the choice to be loved by the Lord above. Take a look at your pet tonight and see the what the creator put into them to be able to do what they can do. I stand in awe of our Creator!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
God's Amazing Gift of Grace
You know it's funny about all the things man has taken credit for. If someone invents something, the phrase is so and so has invented this or that. Then they make a lot of money and become great among their peers and accept the praise from everyone. Their head inflates about 6 times it normal size. They are known for years for inventing a device or finding the cure for cancer. Even after they are dead they are still held in high esteem for their ability or talent to figure out this mystery of life.
So when I look at this picture of fire what is the phrase that comes to mind about the invention of fire. "Man discovered fire!" In never came out as Man invented fire does it? Why doesn't it state "invent" instead of "discover?" Somebody way back then realized that fire was supposed to be. Discovered not invented. It was God who invented it. Fire was to be a natural part of his creation. It's his, not ours! So why is it nowaday's that it is invented for everything that is really discovered?
As I read more about the fall of man in the garden of Eden, it seems it was all going to be told. God was willing to show man all that is supposed to be in existence. Who knows what God had planned to show man. He was willing to show him all there is supposed to be in creation. There was not to be any question about anything, everything was there every answer to every question. Because God walked with man in the garden. But then the fruit was plucked and then the bite was taken and sin was brought forth. Our answers were turned into questions, and confusion set in and man had to discover what was supposed to be. But instead of discovery it became invention, our creation, and we took the credit and didn't give God any praise for it. I've come to realize over the years that all we have is the Lord's and not ours. Everything we have, see smell, touch and taste is God's. It is all loaned out from Him to us- It's called Grace. Grace is a gift given to the undeserved, which is us. Many live life in God's grace and don't even realize it. The man who claims to have invented something, it's not his idea but the fact through God's grace God set forth to the man or women the knowledge to do something great. But do any of us realize this? Not all! But some do and they realize that God has given us a clue through his gift of grace. The answer or design was already in God's closet of inventions he just allowed us to figure it out so he would get a little thanks for something so great. When we think we have invented something or found an answer to a life long question, don't take the credit give it all to God. Grace is amazing isn't it?
So when I look at this picture of fire what is the phrase that comes to mind about the invention of fire. "Man discovered fire!" In never came out as Man invented fire does it? Why doesn't it state "invent" instead of "discover?" Somebody way back then realized that fire was supposed to be. Discovered not invented. It was God who invented it. Fire was to be a natural part of his creation. It's his, not ours! So why is it nowaday's that it is invented for everything that is really discovered?
As I read more about the fall of man in the garden of Eden, it seems it was all going to be told. God was willing to show man all that is supposed to be in existence. Who knows what God had planned to show man. He was willing to show him all there is supposed to be in creation. There was not to be any question about anything, everything was there every answer to every question. Because God walked with man in the garden. But then the fruit was plucked and then the bite was taken and sin was brought forth. Our answers were turned into questions, and confusion set in and man had to discover what was supposed to be. But instead of discovery it became invention, our creation, and we took the credit and didn't give God any praise for it. I've come to realize over the years that all we have is the Lord's and not ours. Everything we have, see smell, touch and taste is God's. It is all loaned out from Him to us- It's called Grace. Grace is a gift given to the undeserved, which is us. Many live life in God's grace and don't even realize it. The man who claims to have invented something, it's not his idea but the fact through God's grace God set forth to the man or women the knowledge to do something great. But do any of us realize this? Not all! But some do and they realize that God has given us a clue through his gift of grace. The answer or design was already in God's closet of inventions he just allowed us to figure it out so he would get a little thanks for something so great. When we think we have invented something or found an answer to a life long question, don't take the credit give it all to God. Grace is amazing isn't it?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
October is Coming~ :)
I thought this was a pretty cool and spooky picture to put on here, because October is just around the corner. October is probably my favorite month of the year. Two reasons, it is my birthday and anniversary month. I will be 36 on the 3rd and will be married for ten years on the 2nd. I always enjoy the fallish weather and the thought of pumkins and the beautiful leaves coming forth. I just love football even more this month. It's just a great time of the year. I'm trying to think of things to write for this month. I have no ideas though, I usually just write off the top of my head. So if you have any great ideas or any inspirational stories to share I would be glad to share them with those who read this blog. I need comments to let me know what you think of this blog, if it's bad or doing some good for most who read it. Feedback is always helpful. So please continue to read and give me your ideas in furthering God's word. Thanks, Clint
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands!
This is a picture of New York city taken from atop of the Empire State building by a friend of mine. When I look at it I have one thought. There is a lot of things going on in that picture. Even though it's just a picture of buildings. There is a lot of action in this picture. New York has a lot of people roaming that area. So that means a lot of thoughts are going on, decisions are being made, crime is on the loose, people are working, birds and insects and other animals are going about their business also. Homeless people are searching for food to survive. They are holding out cups to get a few handouts. Drug dealers are pushing their products to people and kids to make a dishonest dollar and hooking a new client. Good decisions are also being made in this picture, somebody is probably accepting Christ at that very moment. Many hopefully, have decided that they have had enough and said it was time to give it all to God. There are people in this picture that have decided they can't take anymore and left their spouse or decided to leave this world by their own actions.
There is fear in some people from the day of 9/11 that wonder if a plane is going to strike their building. There are people who are working and thinking about someone else other than their spouse and decide to take the action with the other person that they have been desiring for a long time. I'm sure there are some bad and illegal business decisions going on in one of those buildings. It being morning the prostitutes are resting from there long night of making money for sex. The mafia also are still lurking in the picture somewhere getting ready to make some very illegal decisions to harm somebody in some way. Cussing, there are a lot of people doing that in that picture especially on Wall Street. Yet, I'm sure somewhere in this picture somebody is praying, pleading to the Creator to help all these caught up in the world to take the step and repent.
In one small picture of the largest city in the United States there is so much going on. An anthill in action in constant movement. Probably doing more than what I have mentioned above. Yet, one Being is in control of it all taking care of every thought, every person and every animal and plant and molecule on the Earth. Seeing it all. Keeping it all in control and held together. To me that is amazing! I stand in awe of our God!
There is fear in some people from the day of 9/11 that wonder if a plane is going to strike their building. There are people who are working and thinking about someone else other than their spouse and decide to take the action with the other person that they have been desiring for a long time. I'm sure there are some bad and illegal business decisions going on in one of those buildings. It being morning the prostitutes are resting from there long night of making money for sex. The mafia also are still lurking in the picture somewhere getting ready to make some very illegal decisions to harm somebody in some way. Cussing, there are a lot of people doing that in that picture especially on Wall Street. Yet, I'm sure somewhere in this picture somebody is praying, pleading to the Creator to help all these caught up in the world to take the step and repent.
In one small picture of the largest city in the United States there is so much going on. An anthill in action in constant movement. Probably doing more than what I have mentioned above. Yet, one Being is in control of it all taking care of every thought, every person and every animal and plant and molecule on the Earth. Seeing it all. Keeping it all in control and held together. To me that is amazing! I stand in awe of our God!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
So The Glory Of God May Be Revealed
I think this is a super idea for handicap kids to do. I found this picture on a friends Facebook page tonight. Her stepson is handicap and it was his first tops soccer game. It's awesome to see something like this going on for these precious children. The last time I passed a handicapped child it broke my heart. It just kills me to see a child like that. But it is humbling at the same time. My complaints seem worthless and I feel puny. I have no reason to complain when I see and think of children who are handicapped. They have had a much tougher road than you and I will ever know. I often think about the courage of these parents to live everyday to see their child in this condition. I really think all those parents would trade positions with their child every day if they could. We think the parents have a tough time with raising a handicap child, and we feel sorry for them. But I believe that child is given to parents who are humbled by the experience. I have never known a parent who was ticked off at God because they were dealt a bad card. No! That child is well cared for and loved.
I remember the verse in the Bible when the disciples asked about the handicapped person. They asked, "Who sinned him or his parents?" Jesus said it happened to reveal the glory of God. It does, it allows us to see our selfishness and allows us to see how God works through everything and everyone. It awakens us to think less of our complaints and allows us to want to love more. Almost every person whom I have known handicapped are strong individuals that have excepted their inability to do most things and carry on with daily life. We as individuals are constant complainers and really feel we deserve better. But we have no excuse to complain about anything. Use your God given abilty and talent to give hope to all. Include all, in every one of your activities. Don't exclude anybody for any reason. Show God's love to all and let the world know of God's love through our daily example. Make footprints in time.
I remember the verse in the Bible when the disciples asked about the handicapped person. They asked, "Who sinned him or his parents?" Jesus said it happened to reveal the glory of God. It does, it allows us to see our selfishness and allows us to see how God works through everything and everyone. It awakens us to think less of our complaints and allows us to want to love more. Almost every person whom I have known handicapped are strong individuals that have excepted their inability to do most things and carry on with daily life. We as individuals are constant complainers and really feel we deserve better. But we have no excuse to complain about anything. Use your God given abilty and talent to give hope to all. Include all, in every one of your activities. Don't exclude anybody for any reason. Show God's love to all and let the world know of God's love through our daily example. Make footprints in time.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Constant Ride of Life. It's Killing Us!
There are many in this life that feel like their life is a constant ride on a ferris wheel. They keep going in a circle that won't let them off. They have no end to the ongoing drama in their life. They have no peace, they just keep trying to answer life on their own terms. They believe their life is their own and that they have to do it all by their selves. Many have heard of the peace that God can give them, the rest and answers they are looking for are right there in front of them. Stress keeps their mind at ruin. They don't know how to slow down, and the bad situations they are in have no end.
We have an answer, an end to all this crud that has been put upon us. I came to a point in my life where I just had to say enough is enough. I had to humble myself and go to God and give it all to him. At that moment he came in and made it right. There was alot in their he had to clean up. Guilt, sin, loss of hope, fear and arrogance. It didn't happen over night it took a long time and a lot of prayer. Earnest prayer! I didn't promise God anything I just asked for him to take over and transform me over time. He has and continues to do a good work in me. I found the end of the ferris wheel, the world let me off and I met my Creator there. Many in this world are hard hearted, they believe they have it all under control and that their decison of taking the steering wheel of life and driving it themselves will go in the right direction. It won't!
I saw a sign the other day that read, "Do not conform but tranform." We all conform to this world and follow what the planet says to do, but it doesn't make any sense. We are just like the rest of the world, we conform. Transform. God wants us to transform in him. That we might transform others into the way he wants us. Nothing good comes out of the devils way of life. It's amazing when you see the way God sees things. Interest in money becomes less, helping others makes people happier. Thinking less of self and more of others makes things and life make sense. Take your life to a higher standard. Allow God to come into your life and feel his presence there right with you and in you. He will never leave you, when you have questions he has an answer. Life is great when there is help in all things.
I have a list of books that I believe God led me to. They are listed on the right hand column on my blog. If you seriously have questions these books will give you the answers. Many of them cleared up my questions that I had, they inspired me to believe in a God who is loving yet determined to keep me in line and give me all the insight I need to battle the pressures of Satan. I have been transformed and in a life process to becoming what God wants me to be. Allow him to get you off of the ferris wheel of life and become one with him.
We have an answer, an end to all this crud that has been put upon us. I came to a point in my life where I just had to say enough is enough. I had to humble myself and go to God and give it all to him. At that moment he came in and made it right. There was alot in their he had to clean up. Guilt, sin, loss of hope, fear and arrogance. It didn't happen over night it took a long time and a lot of prayer. Earnest prayer! I didn't promise God anything I just asked for him to take over and transform me over time. He has and continues to do a good work in me. I found the end of the ferris wheel, the world let me off and I met my Creator there. Many in this world are hard hearted, they believe they have it all under control and that their decison of taking the steering wheel of life and driving it themselves will go in the right direction. It won't!
I saw a sign the other day that read, "Do not conform but tranform." We all conform to this world and follow what the planet says to do, but it doesn't make any sense. We are just like the rest of the world, we conform. Transform. God wants us to transform in him. That we might transform others into the way he wants us. Nothing good comes out of the devils way of life. It's amazing when you see the way God sees things. Interest in money becomes less, helping others makes people happier. Thinking less of self and more of others makes things and life make sense. Take your life to a higher standard. Allow God to come into your life and feel his presence there right with you and in you. He will never leave you, when you have questions he has an answer. Life is great when there is help in all things.
I have a list of books that I believe God led me to. They are listed on the right hand column on my blog. If you seriously have questions these books will give you the answers. Many of them cleared up my questions that I had, they inspired me to believe in a God who is loving yet determined to keep me in line and give me all the insight I need to battle the pressures of Satan. I have been transformed and in a life process to becoming what God wants me to be. Allow him to get you off of the ferris wheel of life and become one with him.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Missing Oppurtunities From God. Lacking in Our Faith.
I don't give God the praise he deserves. I get so wrapped up in the daily routine that I miss great oppurtunties to give praise to God the Father. There are times in my life that I want to set the world on fire. To show others how many oppurtunities that God has given us. Yet, I stayed away from them because I wanted to play it safe. I didn't want to miss out, but I wanted to play the role of safety. I believe God wants us to take the risks, he wants us to take a leap of faith and trust in him. But we don't! Some do and have found great blessings by doing the leap.
I don't want to play it safe anymore. I want to be that person that takes a huge step out of my comfort zone and takes the risk. If we fall on our face we can always get back up and take another punch or we can play it safe and duck the punch. I usually am the person who is a day late and a dollar short. That's how things have always panned out. Maybe I missed the voice of God calling me to take a step toward an oppurtunity that he had planned for me. Missing the chance to serve him through another person, is something i always play it safe with. To me that is a very sad oppurtunity missed, and it saddens him because I had a small faith. We as Christians need to look very closely at oppurtunities to grab an offer from God.
I have been reading about how we should see with the eyes of Christ. Our goals in life should not be about oppurtunties of making money, but chances to see others with the compassion of Christ. To see somebody in need of love and a slight glimpse of hope. We have been given more than our cup can hold from God. He wants to be served and loved by serving others in the name of Christ. Money is nice, but it doesn't buy our complete satifaction and never will. But serving others is how we will find a lot of satisfaction in life. Satan wants nothing holy in our lives, so he takes us and makes us timid and selfish and we stay right where he wants us. He keeps us focused on ourselves and keeps us from seeking the oppurtunity that God wants us to take on. Our world wants us to be completely focused on our needs and satisfaction. We need to take the leap of faith and seek God's oppurtunities as he presents them for us to do. May God bless us with a faith in him that will take on his unseen journey for us and others.
I don't want to play it safe anymore. I want to be that person that takes a huge step out of my comfort zone and takes the risk. If we fall on our face we can always get back up and take another punch or we can play it safe and duck the punch. I usually am the person who is a day late and a dollar short. That's how things have always panned out. Maybe I missed the voice of God calling me to take a step toward an oppurtunity that he had planned for me. Missing the chance to serve him through another person, is something i always play it safe with. To me that is a very sad oppurtunity missed, and it saddens him because I had a small faith. We as Christians need to look very closely at oppurtunities to grab an offer from God.
I have been reading about how we should see with the eyes of Christ. Our goals in life should not be about oppurtunties of making money, but chances to see others with the compassion of Christ. To see somebody in need of love and a slight glimpse of hope. We have been given more than our cup can hold from God. He wants to be served and loved by serving others in the name of Christ. Money is nice, but it doesn't buy our complete satifaction and never will. But serving others is how we will find a lot of satisfaction in life. Satan wants nothing holy in our lives, so he takes us and makes us timid and selfish and we stay right where he wants us. He keeps us focused on ourselves and keeps us from seeking the oppurtunity that God wants us to take on. Our world wants us to be completely focused on our needs and satisfaction. We need to take the leap of faith and seek God's oppurtunities as he presents them for us to do. May God bless us with a faith in him that will take on his unseen journey for us and others.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Go Steelers!
Well, it's that time again when the Steeler nation gathers around the TV and rejoices to see the greatest team on Earth. My jersey is on and my Terrible Towel is in hand. Here we go Steelers, Here we go!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
A Very Good Speech!
I usually watch these Presidential addresses when they are on. I remember when I was little and I would complain because they were on and keeping me from watching a certain program. I used to complain when Clinton or Bush were going to speak, but now I really don't complain. Tonight was a great speech, I never really study these speeches ever, but I did tonight. I knew there would be some tension in the room where Obama spoke this evening. At one point somebody yelled out "It's a lie!" It's the first time I have seen that happen. It disrurpted his speech for a moment, but it did not stop Obama from making his point.
It was very clear in the speech of what his intentions are for health care reform, and I agree with it. It sounded really like a good plan. Obama addressed the lies, which was a very good thing to do. A lot of the fear and anger have been because of all the misleading accusations from others who don't want health care reform.
I noticed something different about this President than all the former ones. He fights for the underdog, he believes we can all be on the same page in life and he wants to help all who can't help themselves. I also noticed that when people stood there and clapped he didn't stand there and enjoy the applause like former Presidents. He wanted to speak ang not stand in the glory he was being given. If you watch this speech with an open mind, and hear without prejudice ears you will hear and see what I heard. I'm not an Obama praiser or do I support all his actions, but I did see something I liked about him though. Hopefully, this reform on healthcare will pass and workout the way he thinks it will and will do all he says it will do, then maybe we can all rest and finally feel good about something he did! May God Bless Us all
It was very clear in the speech of what his intentions are for health care reform, and I agree with it. It sounded really like a good plan. Obama addressed the lies, which was a very good thing to do. A lot of the fear and anger have been because of all the misleading accusations from others who don't want health care reform.
I noticed something different about this President than all the former ones. He fights for the underdog, he believes we can all be on the same page in life and he wants to help all who can't help themselves. I also noticed that when people stood there and clapped he didn't stand there and enjoy the applause like former Presidents. He wanted to speak ang not stand in the glory he was being given. If you watch this speech with an open mind, and hear without prejudice ears you will hear and see what I heard. I'm not an Obama praiser or do I support all his actions, but I did see something I liked about him though. Hopefully, this reform on healthcare will pass and workout the way he thinks it will and will do all he says it will do, then maybe we can all rest and finally feel good about something he did! May God Bless Us all
Monday, September 07, 2009
The Fear Against Our Freedom

But the controversy drives me nuts! Somebody has decided that they don't like Obama, so they have turned against him and decided to start a fight. I don't completely agree with all of Obama's decision, but nobody gives anybody a chance anymore. We are a closed minded nation who wants nothing to do with change. We went through a lot of crap with Bush for 8 years I'm sure we can take a little more. But hopefully things will be better. Bush started the mess with the bailouts and we now have to grin and bare more bailouts.
We are so fearful of this guy turning our nation into a communist one. We live in fear, we are angered about health care so much, that fights are breaking out in the protest lines. It just doesn't make sense. If you look at our health care, it's a system of total greed! All this controversy is being driven by a bunch of money hungry lobbyists and insurance companies who don't want to lose any of that green paper we give so much value to. Stand back and pray about all these lies that are triggering through our nation. I don't do politics at all. There is to much noise going on between two sides that really don't have a clue of what they're really doing either. It's just a mess. I'm sure I will get a comment on here that will try to persuade me into believing the agenda of either party. But I won't listen, my life revolves around God not politics. If God wanted me to live on the streets I would. Because He would have a reason, so that his will be done. Don't live in the realm of this world and its lies, live to see what God's will is for all of us and then live by His guidance in great faith. Thanks Jim for the topic, I think I went a little farther than Obama's controversial speech though.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Just Believe!

If you are struggling with your faith right now, you are not the only one I am sure. We're buried in a lot here on earth, and Satan is a tricky and evil player. I know that every bad thing that occurs is derived from him. Because God doesn't want any harm to come to his children at all.
There are people in this world that are deciding a lot of different things right now. Making decisions that could harm themselves or destroy their lives forever. When temptation comes to knock on the door of our lives, it usually doesn't give us enough time to think about what we are doing. We just end up doing it and suffer the consequences later. We live in a world that is constantly trying to reach out to our sense of satisfaction. Money is what all people believe will satisfy our lives. It won't! We're always pressured to buy products that will satisfy all our needs in life. But they don't! So we continue to try and figure out what can bring hope in this life. Nothing that is touchable will ever bring us complete hope for satisfaction in life. Many go to the bars to hopefully put away their sorrows for a little bit, yet it never happens. We are seduced by sex from another person, and that doesn't do nothing, but create more caous. Where do we go? What do we do?
I know you know that I am probably going to say God. And I am! There is hope for a lot of satisfaction in the Living God. The past two days off I had, I got a chance to be alone with our creator. The house was peaceful, nobody was home. So I read a lot and wrote some more on this supposed book I am writing. It was nice because I learned a lot about satisfaction through reading and about asking God to give me his view of the world. To see what he values and what he wants my life to be. I read about how Jesus saw the world, compared to our lousy view. When you try to change your view of life and try to see the world as Christ saw it, it really brings a warmth to your heart.
WWJD (What would Jesus Do?) makes sense. How would Jesus handle our unsatisfied lives. What would he tell us to do? I'm sure if Jesus were here physically and I told him I was bored, what would he say to that? I can't imagine the to do list he would have for me. I believe He would take me on a tour that would blow my mind. The hurting people he would tell me about that needed help. The homeless people he would tell me to feed and clothe. The abandoned children he would tell me about that needed hugs. He would have a huge list of people who were mourning a loss of a loved one that needed comfort. The sick and shut ins he would tell me about who need a prayer and a good conversation. But, His number one rule and his only rule would be "Have great compassion." How would I have time for all that? I think He would make the time for me to do it all, a whole lifetime to get things done.
I have come to realize how compassionate Jesus was then and is today. Our decisions in life are probably not the choices He would make. I don't see Jesus worrying about his stocks going to pot or that his career is the most important thing in his life right now. I don't see Jesus making any of our decisions we make, except the one's that are selfless. The decisions we make about whether God or science has it right or wrong. He knows that answer because he is a major part of the Trinity. Our hopes and decisions in life need to be Christ like. What Would Jesus Do????? What is our first step in this messy world? I would first just "Believe" in Him and the rest will fall into order. We will still constantly be battled. For we our in a war between Heaven and Hell and our lives will continue to be flung around. But just "Believe in Him" and that will be the best decision ever and do what is on His list. There you will find a life satisfied.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Seeing With God's Eyes

I learned in a book I am reading titled, "The Beautiful Fight" on how to see with the eyes of God. The things we see with our own eyes is materiel things. He was describing taking off in a plane and passing the huge houses zooming past as they launched off the runway. As the plane ascended the houses got smaller and smaller. They seemed to be so small in size that their importance became less important. In God's eyes that is how he sees things on this Earth. Our material possessions that seem to be so important to us and puff up our pride is of no importance to our Father in heaven. He states we cannot impress God.
So he prayed to God and asked, "Lord, help me to see this world with your eyes. Otherwise I might value what you despise and despise what you value." Our world has truly been corrupted by Satan. He has set our values on things seen and not on what God wants us to see. Our lives should be on the people who have been rejected by this world. We should give our lives to everyone in need, and not our needs. We need to look at the riches from God that surround us daily. We should always look to what God has given us spiritually and not be in want for more worthless things. We should always desire Him and look at the Earth and find there is nothing worth desiring but Him.
Have we stopped seeing people as important and instead stare persistently at possessions, power and pleasure? Have we become so vain in this world that we have become spiritually blind? We see the seen as more comforting than the spiritual things God has intended for us to see. When I write on topics like this I am not just writing to others I am also writing to myself. None of us are perfect, but we all fall into this category of loving the world and not seeing the real reason for being here. Our eyes need to see what God sees as important. We can't deny that we judge people by the way they act or look, it's Satan's game and he loves to deny us holy eyes and give us a false vision of our true selves.
It drives me nuts to see the TV evangelists ask for money and talk to their flock about gaining more money because they love God. God may bless us in some ways with money but there is a reason he gave us money. Not to comfort ourselves but to give others the comfort we are enjoying. God wants our lives to be comfortable but not to the point where we are looked up to as untouchable or more important for others to come to us for help. Live humbly, live Godly, live as Jesus did.
For he had no possessions to give. When asked to pay taxes to Caesar he pulled a coin not out of his pocket but out of the mouth of a fish. Jesus came so that he could allow the blind to see and those who saw to become blind. If you want to see like the living God read about the life of Jesus in the four gospels. You don't ever see Jesus talking about his new house he is building or about his new car he bought with the shiny thousand dollar rims. He doesn't pull out a gun and do a drive by shooting because the Pharisee's disrespected him. No Jesus lived for others! He lived to save the world from the grips of Satan and his demons. He came to give to those whom the world rejected to show the mighty power of God.
Jesus didn't Facebook all day he healed and preached till he was completely worn out. Jesus became the example of God's eyes here on Earth and 2000 years later we are still not seeing like he does. What is wrong with us? Let's put our lives on the back burner and give ourselves to those who need our help and then we will reap the rewards in heaven. God bless!
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