Monday, September 28, 2009

God's Amazing Gift of Grace

You know it's funny about all the things man has taken credit for.  If someone invents something, the phrase is so and so has invented  this or that.  Then they make a lot of money and become great among their peers and accept the praise from everyone.  Their head inflates about 6 times it normal size.  They are known for years for inventing a device or finding the cure for cancer.  Even after they are dead they are still held in high esteem for their ability or talent to figure out this mystery of life.

So when I look at this picture of fire what is the phrase that comes to mind about the invention of fire.  "Man discovered fire!"  In never came out as Man invented fire does it?  Why doesn't it state "invent" instead of "discover?"  Somebody way back then realized that fire was supposed to be.  Discovered not invented.  It was God who invented it.  Fire was to be a natural part of his creation.  It's his, not ours!   So why is it nowaday's that it is invented for everything that is really discovered? 

As I read more about the fall of man in the garden of Eden, it seems it was all going to be told.  God was willing to show man all that is supposed to be in existence.  Who knows what God had planned to show man.  He was willing to show him all there is supposed to be in creation.  There was not to be any question about anything, everything was there every answer to every question.  Because God walked with man in the garden.  But then the fruit was plucked and then the bite was taken and sin was brought forth.  Our answers were turned into questions, and confusion set in and man had to discover what was supposed to be.  But instead of discovery it became invention, our creation, and we took the credit and didn't give God any praise for it.  I've come to realize over the years that all we have is the Lord's and not ours.  Everything we have, see smell, touch and taste is God's.  It is all loaned out from Him to us- It's called Grace.  Grace is a gift given to the undeserved, which is us.  Many live life in God's grace and don't even realize it.  The man who claims to have invented something, it's not his idea but the fact through God's grace God set forth to the man or women the knowledge to do something great.  But do any of us realize this?  Not all!  But some do and they realize that God has given us a clue through his gift of grace.  The answer or design was already in God's closet of inventions he just allowed us to figure it out so he would get a little thanks for something so great.  When we think we have invented something or found an answer to a life long question, don't take the credit give it all to God.  Grace is amazing isn't it?

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