Monday, September 07, 2009

The Fear Against Our Freedom

I wrote on my status tonight on Facebook asking people to give me a topic to write about tonight. The only one I got was about the controversy facing Obama's speech in the schools tomorrow. Which I have read the text and see nothing but a man trying to do the job that the teachers and parents aren't doing. Bringing inspiration to the next generation, telling them to stay in school and take the responsibility on themselves to get an education. Basically, let's not have another generation of bums. Which is what we're seeing. I know a lot of people right now that have just dropped out of school for no apparent reason. You need an education or you will be seen in the world as a bum. I know that sounds mean and I know there are a lot of people who have been successful without an education. There are few though.

But the controversy drives me nuts! Somebody has decided that they don't like Obama, so they have turned against him and decided to start a fight. I don't completely agree with all of Obama's decision, but nobody gives anybody a chance anymore. We are a closed minded nation who wants nothing to do with change. We went through a lot of crap with Bush for 8 years I'm sure we can take a little more. But hopefully things will be better. Bush started the mess with the bailouts and we now have to grin and bare more bailouts.

We are so fearful of this guy turning our nation into a communist one. We live in fear, we are angered about health care so much, that fights are breaking out in the protest lines. It just doesn't make sense. If you look at our health care, it's a system of total greed! All this controversy is being driven by a bunch of money hungry lobbyists and insurance companies who don't want to lose any of that green paper we give so much value to. Stand back and pray about all these lies that are triggering through our nation. I don't do politics at all. There is to much noise going on between two sides that really don't have a clue of what they're really doing either. It's just a mess. I'm sure I will get a comment on here that will try to persuade me into believing the agenda of either party. But I won't listen, my life revolves around God not politics. If God wanted me to live on the streets I would. Because He would have a reason, so that his will be done. Don't live in the realm of this world and its lies, live to see what God's will is for all of us and then live by His guidance in great faith. Thanks Jim for the topic, I think I went a little farther than Obama's controversial speech though.

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