If you are struggling with your faith right now, you are not the only one I am sure. We're buried in a lot here on earth, and Satan is a tricky and evil player. I know that every bad thing that occurs is derived from him. Because God doesn't want any harm to come to his children at all.
There are people in this world that are deciding a lot of different things right now. Making decisions that could harm themselves or destroy their lives forever. When temptation comes to knock on the door of our lives, it usually doesn't give us enough time to think about what we are doing. We just end up doing it and suffer the consequences later. We live in a world that is constantly trying to reach out to our sense of satisfaction. Money is what all people believe will satisfy our lives. It won't! We're always pressured to buy products that will satisfy all our needs in life. But they don't! So we continue to try and figure out what can bring hope in this life. Nothing that is touchable will ever bring us complete hope for satisfaction in life. Many go to the bars to hopefully put away their sorrows for a little bit, yet it never happens. We are seduced by sex from another person, and that doesn't do nothing, but create more caous. Where do we go? What do we do?
I know you know that I am probably going to say God. And I am! There is hope for a lot of satisfaction in the Living God. The past two days off I had, I got a chance to be alone with our creator. The house was peaceful, nobody was home. So I read a lot and wrote some more on this supposed book I am writing. It was nice because I learned a lot about satisfaction through reading and about asking God to give me his view of the world. To see what he values and what he wants my life to be. I read about how Jesus saw the world, compared to our lousy view. When you try to change your view of life and try to see the world as Christ saw it, it really brings a warmth to your heart.
WWJD (What would Jesus Do?) makes sense. How would Jesus handle our unsatisfied lives. What would he tell us to do? I'm sure if Jesus were here physically and I told him I was bored, what would he say to that? I can't imagine the to do list he would have for me. I believe He would take me on a tour that would blow my mind. The hurting people he would tell me about that needed help. The homeless people he would tell me to feed and clothe. The abandoned children he would tell me about that needed hugs. He would have a huge list of people who were mourning a loss of a loved one that needed comfort. The sick and shut ins he would tell me about who need a prayer and a good conversation. But, His number one rule and his only rule would be "Have great compassion." How would I have time for all that? I think He would make the time for me to do it all, a whole lifetime to get things done.
I have come to realize how compassionate Jesus was then and is today. Our decisions in life are probably not the choices He would make. I don't see Jesus worrying about his stocks going to pot or that his career is the most important thing in his life right now. I don't see Jesus making any of our decisions we make, except the one's that are selfless. The decisions we make about whether God or science has it right or wrong. He knows that answer because he is a major part of the Trinity. Our hopes and decisions in life need to be Christ like. What Would Jesus Do????? What is our first step in this messy world? I would first just "Believe" in Him and the rest will fall into order. We will still constantly be battled. For we our in a war between Heaven and Hell and our lives will continue to be flung around. But just "Believe in Him" and that will be the best decision ever and do what is on His list. There you will find a life satisfied.
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