I learned in a book I am reading titled, "The Beautiful Fight" on how to see with the eyes of God. The things we see with our own eyes is materiel things. He was describing taking off in a plane and passing the huge houses zooming past as they launched off the runway. As the plane ascended the houses got smaller and smaller. They seemed to be so small in size that their importance became less important. In God's eyes that is how he sees things on this Earth. Our material possessions that seem to be so important to us and puff up our pride is of no importance to our Father in heaven. He states we cannot impress God.
So he prayed to God and asked, "Lord, help me to see this world with your eyes. Otherwise I might value what you despise and despise what you value." Our world has truly been corrupted by Satan. He has set our values on things seen and not on what God wants us to see. Our lives should be on the people who have been rejected by this world. We should give our lives to everyone in need, and not our needs. We need to look at the riches from God that surround us daily. We should always look to what God has given us spiritually and not be in want for more worthless things. We should always desire Him and look at the Earth and find there is nothing worth desiring but Him.
Have we stopped seeing people as important and instead stare persistently at possessions, power and pleasure? Have we become so vain in this world that we have become spiritually blind? We see the seen as more comforting than the spiritual things God has intended for us to see. When I write on topics like this I am not just writing to others I am also writing to myself. None of us are perfect, but we all fall into this category of loving the world and not seeing the real reason for being here. Our eyes need to see what God sees as important. We can't deny that we judge people by the way they act or look, it's Satan's game and he loves to deny us holy eyes and give us a false vision of our true selves.
It drives me nuts to see the TV evangelists ask for money and talk to their flock about gaining more money because they love God. God may bless us in some ways with money but there is a reason he gave us money. Not to comfort ourselves but to give others the comfort we are enjoying. God wants our lives to be comfortable but not to the point where we are looked up to as untouchable or more important for others to come to us for help. Live humbly, live Godly, live as Jesus did.
For he had no possessions to give. When asked to pay taxes to Caesar he pulled a coin not out of his pocket but out of the mouth of a fish. Jesus came so that he could allow the blind to see and those who saw to become blind. If you want to see like the living God read about the life of Jesus in the four gospels. You don't ever see Jesus talking about his new house he is building or about his new car he bought with the shiny thousand dollar rims. He doesn't pull out a gun and do a drive by shooting because the Pharisee's disrespected him. No Jesus lived for others! He lived to save the world from the grips of Satan and his demons. He came to give to those whom the world rejected to show the mighty power of God.
Jesus didn't Facebook all day he healed and preached till he was completely worn out. Jesus became the example of God's eyes here on Earth and 2000 years later we are still not seeing like he does. What is wrong with us? Let's put our lives on the back burner and give ourselves to those who need our help and then we will reap the rewards in heaven. God bless!
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