Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm Through With The Pirates!

Monday, July 28, 2008
The Glorious Light Of God

I found a bunch of awesome scenery pictures on somebodies Facebook page the other night and just thought they were awesome.
This one just really caught my attention and popped a thought and verse into my head. Revelation 21:23-25 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there.
We all enjoy the setting of the sun, and all it's splendor. But in heaven there will be no sun, for the glory of God will be the only light for us there. His light will shine for an eternity. Can you imagine how beautiful and bright his glory will be. The sun is so bright that we can't look at it or we will go blind. But his glory we will be able to look at and it will magnify us. Sunsets are here for our enjoyment and we need to look at every one we can, for after we pass from this earth we will never see another one again. For we will be in line somewhere in paradise waiting for the sunset of all sunsets. Yet it will not be setting, it will be glorifying and flowing through our souls to give us the love and mercy we have been longing for all our lives.
It's time we get our lives where they should be so we all can see a glorious light that will accompany us for all eternity. Look for those who don't know about this light and get them right with Christ and get them in line for an eternal glow.
Finding Yourself In God

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Security In Churches

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Unfaithful In Marriage

I heard some very disturbing news the other day, that just made me feel horrible. A friend of mine had been married to a girl for a few years and they had a child together. The two are members of the church and were very good friends with me.
I had just found out that his wife had an affair on him and left him for good. But the most disturbing part was who the affair was with. I won't go any farther with this but it really disappoints me when people of the faith give in to temptation like this. We are the children of God. We are to hold up a reputation like Christ, we know what the Bible says about things like adultery and other things. Yet we are weak and give into things we shouldn't. I'm just so disappointed with a certain person that it just makes me want to scream. He was a leader at a certain Christian institution and I really looked up to this person, that it just breaks my heart. If I ever see this person again what do I say to him, how do you handle this situation.? I guess I would have to go to the abbreviation W.W.J.D? What would Jesus do? I know what he would do, Forgive!
When somebody creates a sin like this one they aren't thinking about the future and the eternal consequences. It's an impulse and they act on it, just like us with any of our sins. When it comes to adultery it can hurt so many people in the long run. Nobody can trust that person anymore, the children are hurt more than anything and just facing other family members would be horrible. I just don't understand why somebody would give in to such a temptation.
We as Christians need to think about our future with God and think about what we are doing before we do it. I think everyday how great it will be to be with our Father in heaven. I think about my choices and think about the dumb choices I make. Why did I do that? What was I thinking, I should not have said that! I have an easy time with forgiving others, but adultery is something I have a hard time forgiving. It's the big No NO! It's something I need to work on, but it's hard to forgive somebody of.
I just love my wife so much and we have a great relationship and a solid marriage. We've made 3 beautiful children that love us a lot and trust us so much, I just couldn't see breaking up something that God has joined together. He is the maker of this family and who are we to do something to destroy it. We are honest with each other about everything and are always together and enjoy being with each other. I'm not perfect and have no right to judge anybody but I know where I want to be when I leave this Planet and my life is going to be lived to the best I can in the image of Jesus Christ and nothing less will do.
We need to pray for our marriages and pray for Satan to stay out of our lives. He will do all he can to break apart the bond of a Christian marriage and family. We need to forgive those who have given into this temptation and help them through such an event. Before I went to bed last night I prayed for these three mentioned above and hope that two of them have asked for forgiveness and prayed for my good friend that he can make it through this and find somebody he can trust.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'm Back From A Little Hiatus

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Come Let Us Adore Him

Friday, July 18, 2008
Falling Behind On Blogging

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
MLB All Star Game 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
Taco Bell

Sunday, July 13, 2008
An Outsiders View Of Christianity

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Steeler Wish List
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Team Hoyt: An Amazing Video Of Strength
Matt Jones

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Your Hidden Talent

Don't you wish you could come up with a great idea? One that would lay a million dollars on your table. I just don't know how people do it. Where do they come up with ideas? It just frustrates me to no end.
I see things on TV and think I could've come up with that idea easily, but I didn't! Some people just seem like they are just so talented and can come up with anything. I've been thinking for the past couple of years about inventing tools that would make landscaping easier. I can't think of anything, nothing will even pop in my mind. I see new products at Lowe's and just hit myself in the head. Why didn't I think of that.
Have you ever wondered what talent God has put in you to change the world? I have and I can't seem to find it. I thought about writing a Christian book, but I don't think anybody would read it. Or I would go blank and have nothing to write about. I don't have any credentials in Bible and I am not a preacher. So what would they write on the cover. Clint Singer works at Lowe's and sells Insurance. That wouldn't inspire people to read my book.
I am jealous of those who can write music, it's second nature to some people. I haven't really tried to do it, but I wish I could. I often thought about working with wood and making things like furniture or whittle statues. But where's my talent for that or time. We all have a talent somewhere in our midst, just finding it is difficult. I going to start praying about it and see what talent I can find. I'm yearning for something!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Steeler Football: I Can Feel It Approaching!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Humbleness At It's Greatest!

Thursday, July 03, 2008
Worry Free With God