Where do you find your relationship with God? Is it a shaky one, with doubts, worries and fears. Or is it growing, feeling his love, mercy and grace surrounding your every day activities.
Do you feel guilty about things? Do you feel you are lost in this world, and all the bad stuff going on in your life right now? How do you walk in the heavenly light of our loving Father?
A couple of years ago I was in a rut and just didn't think things would ever get better for me. I turned to God in prayer and asked for help and things just didn't change in the time frame I needed. It was two years of second guessing God and worrying about everything. Then I realized through a book I was reading I wasn't letting God into my life. I wasn't giving my problems to him. I thought I could pray about it and then try to solve the problems on my own. That brought nothing but more worry.
I finally gave all my issues and gave him the time to fix them for me. Problems still arise sometimes, but now I know how to give them to God and quit worrying. We need to allow Him into our lives and we need to reach for him. He's reaching and needs us to reach out for him and let his love surround us.
We all are at different spiritual growth and need to start growing with God right now. We've all done our share of mistakes and need to stop doing what God doesn't want us to do and live in him and put our past away. If you feel lost and need help then you need to go to God and put him in your life. Because the time is right for us all to change our lives, move forward and continue to grow. God loves you no matter what you have done, and through repentance and faith we can always be in God and he will be in us.
As I look at this world and see the things others are doing to hinder the growth of a Christian, it makes me sad. I don't understand why people want to stop the growth of the greatest thing of all time. Why people don't want to feel the happiness of Christ and to live their lives in peace. Our young people need to be taught the right way to live. Not partying and drinking till they pass out and giving into the evil of drugs. If your kids are grown up then we need to teach other children that these things are not right to do. No matter what the world says about fun in life, don't listen. Listen to God and how he has promised us a home and life that we will never even be capable of imagining. How great it will be to be in the protection of the Almighty God and to see his Son that bore all our sins. What a great day that will be, and that day will never end, ever!
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