The past couple of weeks in Sunday morning class we have been talking about how outsiders feel about Christians. Hypocrisy and judgemental have been what we have been discussing the past couple of Sundays.
Many perceive us as Hypocrites. Which I can't blame them for having that view of Christians. Many have the tendency to take a tough and harsh route to explaining their views for believing in Christ. They get into their little spew of their reasons for believing and get angry when the other person doesn't agree with them. It's the same with sharing your views on politics. I just don't talk about politics very much, it's just not worth the argument.
I wrote about a time in class back at a church we went to before attending college church. We got into the topic of which church was the right church. And one lady blurted out in a harsh tone that the Church of Christ was the only church and nobody else mattered. Well that just irritated me, not because of what she said but the way she said it. Her tone would have scared me off. Why would I want to go to a church that had that kind of attitude. From that I could see why people have a view of us as hypocrites.
We need to approach people with a kindness like Jesus would have done. One guy in our class said the church is a hospital for sinners. I believe that, we are no different than anybody else outside the church. We have just heard what God wanted us to do and we are saved from a life of sin. We are a work in progress and constantly struggle with sin just like those who are outside the doors of the building, but we have found healing for sin.
That's what our approach to an unbeliever should be. Let's burn the perception of hypocrisy and share with others that we been in the same boat that they are in and that were not perfect. But we are being healed daily and striving to be perfect like Jesus. People around us are hungry for some kind of healing and hope. We need to reach out with love and fill that hunger with the healing hope of Christ.
I believe people are afraid of church buildings and those who fill the pews on Sunday. I fear car lots, I want to look at new cars but I don't like the pressure of the sales people. I just don't do it because I'm going to be attacked by a car shark. But if they let me look at what they have and give me time to get used to the surroundings of the lot and let me get comfortable I might be interested. But they don't, if you pull into a car lot there will be a salesman smoking in the front and as soon as they see you they are ready to sell you a car. So I leave because of fear. It's the same way with the unbeliever, if they walk into a church they are afraid they are going to be sold something they might not want to commit to. Of course churches aren't like that, they are warm and very welcoming and want the person to feel comfortable. Some outside the church may have that perception though.
It's time for us to take what we have learned in the church buildings and share it with those who need the love of God. I know people pull out the hypocrisy card when we try to get them to come with us to church, but we need share with them our mistakes and tell them we been there and now we have found a way for healing. Religion and politics are conversations you have to be prepared for, if you don't know what your are talking about and don't know your stuff they will burn you bad. Politics I don't say much about because they will make me look stupid, but when it comes to my beliefs in Christ I will be strong. But I won't be arrogant and harsh and make the other person feel like a fool. But I will tell of the great love that has pierced my heart and made me shed my tears and has bound me in the arms of God for eternity. I will offer my help to them and share with them what I know and if they don't think it is right for them so be it. But I hope they walk away not thinking I'm a hypocrite, but just a man with a calling of love in his heart. Let's reach out and show the loving ways of Christ.
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