Don't you wish you could come up with a great idea? One that would lay a million dollars on your table. I just don't know how people do it. Where do they come up with ideas? It just frustrates me to no end.
I see things on TV and think I could've come up with that idea easily, but I didn't! Some people just seem like they are just so talented and can come up with anything. I've been thinking for the past couple of years about inventing tools that would make landscaping easier. I can't think of anything, nothing will even pop in my mind. I see new products at Lowe's and just hit myself in the head. Why didn't I think of that.
Have you ever wondered what talent God has put in you to change the world? I have and I can't seem to find it. I thought about writing a Christian book, but I don't think anybody would read it. Or I would go blank and have nothing to write about. I don't have any credentials in Bible and I am not a preacher. So what would they write on the cover. Clint Singer works at Lowe's and sells Insurance. That wouldn't inspire people to read my book.
I am jealous of those who can write music, it's second nature to some people. I haven't really tried to do it, but I wish I could. I often thought about working with wood and making things like furniture or whittle statues. But where's my talent for that or time. We all have a talent somewhere in our midst, just finding it is difficult. I going to start praying about it and see what talent I can find. I'm yearning for something!
1 comment:
Clint, an idea is ask your wife or others what they think you talent is. I think its hard to look at ourselves sometimes and see a talent that others may see. My husband has told me for years that I have a talent working with children. And he is correct. Its not something that will make me a millionaire or put me on the best sellers list but it makes a different in the lives of these kids (of all ages) and the impact I have with them I hope will last their lifetime.
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