Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween '08

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Our Special Reason For Being Here

Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Sad Loss!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Only Good Thing The World Has Going On!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
God With Us

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Crazy Evil World!

Hate, violence and ignorance is something that seriously angers me a lot!!!! It's hard for us Christians to not want to seek revenge, but it states in the Bible that we must allow for God's wrath and we must not take any action. The incident that took place Monday morning on an innocent anchor women on channel 7 in Little Rock irritates me.
Ann Pressley does the morning news show on Channel 7 in Little Rock. She didn't make it to her shift on Monday morning because some unremorseful idiot didn't allow her to make it. She was brutally beaten in her home and left in critical condition.
I am disgusted by this persons actions, if they were present in front of me right now I would do the same thing to them. Probably worse. I just don't understand people and why they are so evil. I can never understand how bad of a person you have to be to take an action to beat or even kill somebody. I pray that this person (Idiot) turns himself in and has remorse for what they did.
We've had some break- ins in our neighborhood and it just puts me on the edge. I have been thinking what would I do if somebody breaks into my house. My answer is, that they better run cause I will defend my family to the end. I don't tolerate stupidity at all! I know bad things have always been happening since the beginning of the world. But I just don't have the temperament for it at all. When I hear a truck and their noisy pipes I get irritated, or a loud thumping car stereo I want to get out of my vehicle and rip it out. I just hate it!
Our world has gone to the dogs. I know the angels in heaven are on pins and needles to get the signal from God to end it all. How does He do it? How does He tolerate any of us? It really makes you think of how patient and merciful our God is. Because if the world was left up to me to rule, there would be many people gone by now. But that is why God is God and we aren't. Pray for our world and hope many repent from their ignorance and that this guy who attacked Ann will turn himself in.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Our Divine Path

"We were meant to live for so much more, and we lost ourselves."
"WE want more than this world can offer."
These are two verses from a song by "Switchfoot." Doesn't that sound true for all of us. We live our lives daily and don't realize we were meant to live for so much more. When you look at the ant and watch them work it's amazing. They constantly go on the hunt for food. But that seems to be all they do. When is their play time? When do they take a vacation, or go to the ant hill mall and shop. They don't! They have one goal in mind, and that is to get food to that ant hill. They know their purpose and that's it.
Why can't this be true for us humans? Why do we venture from our divine purpose? My theory, we have emotions and feelings and want satisfaction all the time. We don't all find our divine path. We see it and walk a little bit of the trail and then go off in another direction. Finding ourselves lost and going in the wrong direction. We get side tracked by our desires and go off to another adventure. For some it's a path with a fork in the road. They know deep down what path to choose, but just don't. They keep God as far away as possible and never allow Him to exist or enter their lives.
I finished reading Max Lucado's book 3:16. He told a couple of stories about final moments of some peoples lives. One was an atheist another a Christian. These are true stories. The atheist denied God all her life and at her final moments, she kept asking, "You don't know me, you don't know me?" It's as if God had shut the door of heaven on her, she chose not to know him and he didn't know her. Scary but true. The second was a man who in his final days went into a deep sleep woke up and said he wasn't supposed to say anything to anybody about what he saw, because their were others in the room. The person who told this story said nobody else was in the room. Obviously there was, only he saw them.
Our divine path is at least acknowledging God exists and choosing to wash in the water of baptism. Our wants and our meaning in life should be found in God's work and a firm and faithful belief in him and his son. I don't want my last breath to be spent trying to identify myself to our living God. I want to go his homecoming and see all who have also been given the eternal reward.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What's Holding Back Your Dreams?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Please Read This Before You Judge The Picture.

That changed today. I ended the conversation because I was right, and they told me I had no right to tell them what to do. If it concerns my daughter I can do whatever I want to. I told them that is not the Jesus I serve. That they were in the wrong. Well the other person started on me and said I had no right to say anything about serving Jesus. I do! I have repented of all my mistakes, I have been and done things that I will never be proud of, but thanks to my loving Saviour Jesus I can live guilt free.
I am tired of all the racism. This has been boiling for awhile and I told my sweet wife when something is said in front of me about this situation I will straighten it out. Well they felt they were right but they are in the wrong completely. It broke my heart to hear such Christians talking down about this little innocent black girl. I watched the two little girls running and holding hands and it made me see Jesus. He held hands with whoever. He is God and I know he smiles when a Little white girl and sweet little black hold hands in unity.
Everybody is so worried about Obama possibly becoming President. Let him. I'm not voting for anyone but let God turn the world the way he wants too. He is our protector and he created us in all varieties of color. I threw my arms up and walked away from the situation. I wasn't going to punch somebody or get into a verbal fight in the middle of Harding Academy campus. I've worked to hard to build up a good reputation with these people and this blog. I was the bigger man in this ordeal, and left the way Jesus would have wanted me to. Yet I am still angered. And need the prayers of all who read this to handle this situation in the right way. I fight for all, I believe in all and believe this world can be better if we don't worry about little things like this. May God forgive me for my harsh words, and hope things will get better between the two parties involved. I'm going to leave this world a better place than I found it.
Investors and Bankers Need A Good Spanking!

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Macy, My Only Real Steeler Fan!
Macy is the only child of three that loves to get her Steeler gear on and wave her towel. Brayden doesn't really care about sports.
But I thought I would share some pictures of her fan support for the greatest team in the world.
The last picture picture is of me. I think I kind of look like Mike Tomlin A little! I did this on a website called Yearbook yourself.com. That's not really my aafro.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Maybe We've Got It all Wrong!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Monday, October 06, 2008
Greedy People Should Be Ashamed!

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Birthday Tri-fecta!

But I am going to be more on the blog than I have been lately. I've had some blogger block.
This past weekend we celebrated our 9 year anniversary and my 35 th birthday so I have been tied up a little.
I can't believe it's been 9 years already. Time is quickly sliding by. I did get the birthday trifecta. WVU won, Tony Stewart won and I just got done watching a Steeler game that was very good, but a nail biter. In my case a Terrible Towel biter. But you can't ask for a better way to go out on your birthday. Including the Penguins OT win over the Senators. What would you call that? A Quad- fecta!
Anyway, we had a little excitement in our neighborhood Friday night. Somebody walked into our neighbors house and walked into their bedroom and attacked them. It happened about midnight. Four police cars came to the scene, and we slept right through it. The victims are members of our church, and I had spotted them at the academy football game. Which is weird that I specifically spotted them there. It was like God had put them near me because they might need a prayer. He walked right past me and then I spotted her right after that.
The great testimony about this was that whatever happened that night God was with them, because God knew he had to lead singing this morning. And he did, I thought it was one of the best song service he had ever lead. I thought about it the whole time while he was leading. The creep who walked into their house could've taken them away from this Earth, but it didn't happen because God was there in that moment and took care of them. Isn't that a wonderful thought. God moves in mysterious way! Take every day as your last, and live to the fullest in Christ. May God bless us all!