This looks like the faces of Wall Street this past week and including today. He looks like he just got totally busted. That should be the look for many who are the cause of this problem. Their sneaky greed tactics have caused lots of panics and a lot of selling on the Dow.
I remember working on a landscape job for Beckett's. It was the old Dieckmans house we were landscaping, and I looked around at all the new houses being built and I was just in amazement. Because growing up In Wheeling you just didn't see a lot of new construction. It just seemed like such a rapid pace of construction for my home town. I looked at one of the guys and said "The housing market will crash one day." That is a true statement. I guess I saw it way before anybody else did. I am no way a financial expert, but it was just unusual for Wheeling to be growing so fast. But look 10 years later look what has happened.
Our greed in this country has failed us in so many ways. We as Americans look for an answer to get us out of it all. Bush says he has an answer, and maybe he finally has one to save our country and save his Presidency.
Everybody needs to quit selling, it's killing our stock market. The experts say take a loss, and quit fearing. The market will continue to go down if we live in fear. We as Christians need to pray hard for the situation and believe God will get us out of this mess. Faith in him will be the result of a good outcome of this mess.
I believe punishment for those who put us in this mess should be top priority. They should be forgiven but put in the slammer. The CEO's of these companies should empty their bank accounts and give their money to those who lost their shirts because of greed. No more games with peoples money, no more crazy loans. I don't even know why anybody would sign a house in their name on a sub prime loan. That's crazy! But many were talked into these loans and didn't no any better. I've decided to not listen to any of the news anymore. The get me anxious. I will go to my CEO in heaven and ask him what to do. He won't scam us!
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